"You seriously think that I don't care about you?"

"I... I mean we're friends, but... I don't know, Theo."

"Wow, Liam, wow. I saved your ass so many times, I did everything I could to keep you safe when we were dealing with the Ghost Riders, the hunters and the Anuk-Ite, I made sure you didn't lash out and kill someone because I knew you would end up regretting it. And you still think that I don't care about you? Seriously, Liam?!"

The pain that had settled in Theo's eyes was unbearable to watch, Liam's heart was clenching in his chest so much it felt like it was breaking. He just wanted to reach out and wrap Theo in his arms, tell him everything that is going through his head, but he can't be sure if that's a good idea.

"I-I guess I didn't think of it that way."

"Of course you didn't," Theo scoffed. "I'm not that important and worthy of your thoughts."

There were tears in his eyes and just that sight was enough to make Liam's eyes fill with water as well. How did the conversation take this sharp turn? How did they get here? How did it become so painful?

"What? Theo..."

"No, don't worry," he said, but his voice was wavering and his eyes were still pained and filled with tears.

Liam didn't know what to do, he played with his fingers to stop himself from reaching out and grabbing Theo.

"Theo," he called, but Theo didn't look at him.

"Why do you think I agreed to help you with this?" He asked.

"I- I thought you wanted to piss Scott off, too. You know, see him annoyed and maybe even hurt with me."

"I admit that was a nice side effect, but it wasn't the reason why I did it."

"It wasn't?"

"You seriously think I haven't changed at all," there was disbelief in his voice, hurt in his eyes and tension on his shoulders. " You think I'm still the same person I was before, don't you?" Theo wasn't even trying to hide how hurt he was anymore.

"It's not that, Theo," Liam sighed and grabbed his hand, Theo looked at their joined hands and scoffed. "I know you changed, I know that!"

"Then answer my question," he yelled, ripping his hand away from Liam's. "Why do you think I helped you?"

"I don't know, Theo, how am I supposed to know?" Liam snapped right back. "You tell me."

"It's because I care, idiot, I care about you and I don't want to see you upset," Theo admitted, looking like he was done with hiding things and like he was done with the conversation.

"What?" Liam knew Theo cared about what happened to him a little bit, but he didn't think that it was this much, enough to make him look like this broken and vulnerable. "Why?" He asked with a weak voice.

"Does there have to be a reason?"

"Yes, Theo, there has to be one," Liam pressed.

"It's because I fucking love you, asshole," Theo whispered, almost inaudible.

There was ringing inside the room and inside Liam's ears, of all the things Theo could have said this was the one Liam had expected the least, how was he supposed to expect it at all?

He looked at Theo's pained eyes and red cheeks, he looked at him without the walls that are usually covering him and he understood just how stupid he had been not to notice how much Theo cares for him. It had been in front of him all this time.

It had been there the moment Theo tried to talk him out fo lying to Scott.

It had been there when Theo accepted to help him with his childish revenge.

It had been there when Theo helped him relax and go forward with his plan.

It had been there when Theo grabbed his hand, when he played with his fingers, when he played with his hair, when he kissed his cheek or his head, when he held him close and when they looked each other in the eye.

Theo's love had always been in front of him and Liam had been so blinded by his own feelings he hadn't even notice.

He took a shaky breath, his heart beating faster than he thought possible, his mind going miles per hour and a determined shine settling in his eyes.

He raised his hand carefully and touched Theo's cheek, his touch feather-like, soft and scared. Theo looked up, eyes wide and afraid, wondering what would happen, what Liam would do. Liam had never seen him so vulnerable and beautiful.

Calling all his courage, Liam closed the distance between them, their lips brushing gently against each other.

"I love you, too, Theo, so much."

Theo gasped and Liam didn't waste any more time. He pressed his lips against Theo's softly, but more firmly than before, one hand caressing Theo's cheek, the other resting on his thigh.

Liam sighed when he felt Theo's mouth moving beneath his, lips opening slowly, the kiss soft and sweet and everything they needed in that moment.

When they parted and their eyes met, smiles spread across their faces, the relief that their feelings were reciprocated impossible to hide.

"Well, I guess that's gonna save us from having to give Corey and Mason an explanation," Liam chuckled. "We can just keep our relationship going."

"I don't think so," Theo shook his head.

Liam frowned, a confused look on his face.

"What?" He asked.

Theo laughed and pecked his lips after seeing is panicking expression.

"I don't want to keep that relationship. I want to start a new relationship with you, Liam, a real one this time."

Liam smiled and threw his arms around Theo, hugging him close and kissing his shoulders softly, Theo hugging back and chuckling. He was so happy he couldn't even express it any other way.

It had started as a fake relationship, they had pretended to be in love, but what had been an act had become so much more, had become so real and so true that it was impossible to deny.

And even if it had started to piss Scott off, it now continued for the pure happiness it would bring into Liam and Theo's heart, because they loved each other and they wanted to be together.



Let's Pretend • ThiamTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon