Chapter 1 / Jake's perspective

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I pushed up the hill with all my might, I was more used to it now but it still used some effort. Crossing the street I pulled into James's driveway, he was a good friend of mine. I hopped off my bike and ran to the door. I knocked on it and saw him sprinting towards me through the window. My eyes started burning, I threw my hands over them.

James swung open the door and asked if I was okay. "Yeah" I answered with a shaky voice.

"Come in" he said.

"Are we going to the forest" I asked

"If you want to", he responded.

"Mom, can Jake and I go to the forest!" He shouted.

"Sure but be back by 5:30". James mom hollered back.

"Ok" he yelled in response. When we arrived at the forest we hopped off our bikes and sprinted down the hill.

We started running around and finding cool items. Suddenly I heard talking, curios about what it was, I ran up the hill.

"Where are you going" shouted James in his usual obnoxious voice

"shhh" I hushed in his direction while my eyes looked in the distance and I saw people talking.

It was hard to make out what they were saying over James' complaints, but it sounded like they were looking for us. One of the people started running towards the forest and even though we didn't know who they were, they didn't seem like someone we wanted to run into. I quickly explained what I heard to James and sprinted away. I ran and ran and ran as fast as a could. Thorns pierced through my skin. Small drops of blood flew to the ground but I just kept running. When we reached the end of the forest I practically fell over in my attempt to sit.

"You ok?" James asked

"yeah" I said while taking huge gulps of air. I didn't want to get up again but I knew we had to keep moving.

I slowly lifted myself off the ground. My cuts stung and burned, but I started to walk anyway. I looked back in the forest and saw the man charging towards us in the distance. We started sprinting again. I ran through tall grass and small creeks. James toppled over but I kept running. He got up and sped past me. I jumped behind a huge rock wall and looked back. No one was coming. James plopped down next to me.

I spotted a man with a dog walking by on the road. I thought it was nothing until he let the dog loose. I ran the other way before anything else happened, James followed.

Again my eyes felt like they were on fire. I fell to the ground, closing them and saw a rock with lines going through it and a weird looking man. The pain went away and I slowly cracked opened my eyes but all I really wanted to do was lie down and sleep but it was 5:20 I got up and ran In the direction of the bikes. We zipped back to James house and agreed to keep it to ourselves. 

My heart was pounding that whole entire day out of fear. I barely slept and when I did I dreamt of that weird rock with the red lines that looked like veins, Then there was a voice muttering, 'Need it! I need it!"

I shot out of bed shaky and sweating. I didn't go back to sleep that night and In the morning my mom asked if I slept well.

"Certainly not." I replied

"Why not?" she answered sounding concerned

"I had a dream." I muttered

"So you're Martin Luther King?" She joked.

"No, it was weird." I said ignoring her comment. I grabbed my bag before my mom could even ask what was wrong, I had even skipped breakfast.

When I got to school I told AJ, one of my other close friends, everything that had happened.

"So psychos chased you in a forest and now you have these weird visions. Are these like visions of the future?" AJ asked with a laugh.

"Well I don't think it was a vision, more like a bad dream but the psycho part seems right." And at that very moment my head erupted into an awful headache. I ran over to my teacher without saying anything to AJ. We talked and she sent me to the nurse. I ran there as fast as I could, my head still burning. Once I arrived the nurse sent me home because it seemed I had a fever, and I was forced to go to the doctors. The doctor informed me that it was just a migraine. But something seemed off about that headache and rock. It was oddly weird. I was puzzled about this whole way home.

That night I had a dream of Carly, my sister, laughing at my mom, for once a good dream. Later that day my mom showed me and Carly old 80s commercials, it was hilarious. Then Carly started laughing at my mom it was the same as my dream. Maybe AJ was right about the visions, but it was probably just a coincidence. In school the next day, the schedule changed so I had gym in morning.

"I hate gym" I complained to AJ.

"Gym in elementary school is so much more fun," AJ added. Once we got to gym, our instructor sorted us into teams for volleyball, lucky I was on AJ's team. I started serving, I scored the team 5 points before it was the other team's turn. In the middle of the game everything went black for about 2 seconds in those to seconds I saw a ball pelting towards me. About 5 seconds later a ball pelted towards me just like in the flash. I hit it back then ran to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror with one thought in my head, what am I? 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2017 ⏰

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