Chapter 30

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Sonia screamed and clutched her side.

Doubling over, she fell forward, only the crush of bodies keeping her upright.

Christina grabbed her under the arms and pulled her aside

'I knew you were sick!' Christina shouted above the noise.

Sonia's only reply was a groan.

Muttering a curse under her breath, Christina hauled Sonia to her feet and bulled her way through the crowd.

The entrance hall was cooler, the noise muffled by heavy swing doors.

Christina stumbled and nearly fell. She leant against the wall for support and lowered Sonia to a sitting position on the floor.

A bouncer moved from his position at the door, coming in their direction.

'She okay?' he asked.

'Just fainted, that's all,' Christina replied. 'She'll be fine in a minute. Really.'

'If she's gonna spew,' he said, 'get her into the bog first, okay?'

Christina nodded. 'Fine,' she agreed. His duty done, the bouncer moved back to his post.

Christina leaned close to Sonia's face and hissed: 'What the hell's the matter with you?'

'Payne,' she mumbled. 'Payne.'

'Where?' Christina asked, misunderstanding. 'Is it your ribs, your kidneys, what?'

Sonia shook her head. 'No,' she muttered. 'It's Harry.'

'Harry? What about him?'

'He's hurt. Bad. I can feel his pain!' Sonia held up a shaking hand to her face as though expecting to see it covered with blood.

'Christ Almighty!' Christina muttered. 'Will you be okay for a while?' she asked. 'I have to get back inside.'

Sonia nodded. 'Go,' she said. 'I just need to rest, that's all.' She closed her eyes and her head fell forward onto her chest.

Christina checked her pulse. It was weak, but steady. She stood up.

'My friend just needs to rest for a while,' she told the bouncer who was still eyeing them suspiciously. 'Can I leave her here while I go back inside?'

Christina didn't wait for an answer. 'Thanks,' she called over her shoulder as she pushed her way back through the double doors.


Don't believe what you see in movies.

When you get shot, you can't just wrap a handkerchief around it and carry on as if nothing has happened.

The body goes into shock, it closes down, and even a minor wound can incapacitate.

Payne had a hole through his left side. He was lying on his back, his body twitching spasmodically.

Warlord levered himself shakily from his seat.

'Why couldn't you have just followed orders?' he asked.

He didn't expect an answer. He shuffled forward, his body sluggish and unresponsive. He sighted down the barrel of the gun. His finger tightened on the trigger.

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