06 | morty x reader | calls

Start from the beginning

"fucking congrats." he grumbles, "come on mo-morty."

"i-i-i...." then morty thinks, 'fuck it'. he falls back onto his bed and groans loudly with his face flushed, "i t-tripped (name) over t-t-today."

there's a moment of rick coughing and choking on his flask as his throat rumbles out laughter, "w-what?! wow, g-gOOODd job, you turd."

morty bursts, "it's not my fucking fault! i-i don't know... i feel so bad..." he spins onto his stomach and buries his head into his pillow.

rick chuckles and morty can hear distant talking, and he guesses that the older is beginning to pass through the scanner. then his grandpa's voice returns, "fucktaAARDD."

"shut up!" whines morty as he rolls around in his bed in embarrassment, "i-i don't know what to do! s-s-she hates me now! i-i can't tell her that i like her anymore..." he feels his lips quiver and his heart clench. he actually feels like absolute shit.

rick's humming through the phone before he speaks up, "okay whatever. i don't care. thanks morty." and then his line cuts, causing morty to sigh and drop his phone.

after a moment of inner sulking, morty flips himself over and stares at the ceiling, a deep frown etched on his lips. well. there's nothing worth in life anymore.

but then suddenly morty hears something. something soothing. something cute.


said boy's face pales instantly and he jumps up with a wail, falling off his bed. he immediately gets up and rushes to his window, peeking out to see, you, staring at him from the sidewalk right outside his house, and his jaw drops.

"(n-n-n-name)!" morty screeches, voice cracking as his cheeks flare a deep red.

you smile sheepishly up at him and give a shy wave, "hi... sorry, i didn't mean to... disturb you." you avert your eyes and rub your arm.

morty notices the bandaid on your nose and he winces at the sight, but you're still has cute as always. he notices your hoodie and sweatpants and he guesses that you were going out for a jog. he finally clears his throat awkwardly, "uh, uh, h-h-how long have y-y-you been there for?" he trips on his words and nearly slaps his forehead.

he watches as you shift your stance and fiddle with your fingers. your gaze casts up at him and you flash him a guilty smile, "i was passing by and i heard you say my name..." you reply quietly.

say your name? when did he do that? he thinks back to when he said your name, then realisation hits him hard. he said your name at the start of his conversation with rick. that means you heard the whole thing.

"fuck!" he suddenly cries out loud and pulls at his brown locks, panic bubbling inside him as his stomach drops. "y-y-y-you heard everything i said?!" when you nod guiltily, his expression changes to one of horror and he groans loudly, face palming.

no, no, no, this can't be happening! you heard him complaining about how he can't tell you that he likes you?! now you think he's an idiot! ughh! but what's the point? someone as amazing as you wouldn't date someone as boring as him anyways...

morty's lips pull into a frown as he hits his head onto the window frame. this causes you to wince.

"no wait, morty, listen!" you usher, tugging a strand of hair behind your ear shyly as you notice morty look down at you, embarrassed.

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