Bonus Chapter: Blaze.

Start from the beginning

"Many girls were afraid and thought you guys were bitches." Drew shrugged.

"But you girls are just dorky cuties that are really awkward." Beckett chuckled.

"I'm not cute." I squinted my eyes at him. "But I do admit that I am awkward."

"You're not very social either." Drew commented.

"If we hadn't approached you, we wouldn't be friends." Cortez said.

"And you took a few days to warm up to us and actually have a decent conversation." Beck raised an eyebrow at me.

"Class dismissed." The teacher said.

"See, not even five minutes." Brooke said to Cortez. He let out a victory cry before darting out the door, probably towards the cafeteria.

"We should go check on him." Drew said.

"Yeah, don't want him to push over any seniors or something." Beckett rolled his eyes at the thought.

"Bye!" Brittany waved at them while smiling brightly. They just awkwardly smiled back.

"What's up with you?" I asked as we stood in the bathroom.

"So, Beck and I have been texting a lot. And yesterday we were talking about his soccer match and that I wanted to watch." She started.

"You don't know anything about soccer." I interrupted.

"I know, so we agreed to go on a date another time." She squealed.

"Say what?!" Brooke said as she came out of the stall.

"Are you sure it's a date?" I asked.

"Well yeah. He said that we could hang out another time." Brittany grinned.

"Do you have a crush on him?" Brooke asked.

"Maybe." She replied. "But we should go outside."

"Why? You never eat lunch anyway." I commented as I frowned.

"Still, let's go." She chirped.

"She wants to stare at Beckett from a distance." Brooke whispered as we walked behind her.

"Should we tell her that hanging out isn't the same as a date?" I asked.

"No, we probably shouldn't." Brooke shook her head.


After I came home from school, I laid in bed. Ready for my afternoon nap. I groaned because sleep didn't consume me immediately like it usually does. All kinds of thoughts started invading my mind, becoming too much to handle.

Suddenly a tear dripped from my eye, leaving me confused why I was crying. Tears kept coming as my breathing became rapid and I panicked more as I sat up.

"Mom!" I yelled.

"Calm down!" She took me in her arms and craddled me. "Try to breathe with me."

"What happened?" Mom asked after I calmed down.

"I'm scared mom. I thought it was over." I cried. "It feels like I'm falling back into that bottomless pit."

"It's okay, baby." She stroked my head. "I thought everything was fine."

"I thought so too. I've been happy and hyper this week." I sighed.

"Try to get some sleep." She said and I closed my eyes.


I woke up the next morning because of my alarm. I also found out that mom stayed with me the entire night.

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