Grocery store.

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POV Angelina.

It's been three weeks since that night. Three weeks since I last saw the guys. I got used to living here. Everyone was so happy seeing me again.

I missed them all like hell. Ace the most, his annoyingly silent presence following the girls and I at school. His love for chicken. Just having him around me in general.

I admit, it was nice having my family back. But it's a shame it had to be done with so much force. I was still mad at my father and Leah. I've avoided those two all the time.

Andrew on the other hand, kept clinging to me. I didn't mind, he was innocent. Drew wasn't there yet when everyone left.

"Can I go shopping?" I walked into my father's office. This was the first time that I voluntarily spoke to him.

"No!" He snapped, not looking up from the paperwork.

"What?! I've been good all this time!" I yelled. "I haven't tried to escape once."

"Sir, we need to some grocery shopping." Adrianna, our cook, stepped in. "Oh sorry, am I interrupting?"

"No, here's some money." The man handed her a wad of cash and she made her way outside.

"Wait?" I stopped her tracks. "Can I go with her?"

"Fine," He sighed. "Don't let her slip away."

I squealed excited. It's been three weeks since I've been outside. I wore Ace's sweater with black jeans and my black Nikes. Also the dog tag but I've never taken it off.

I hopped after Adrianna. She is really pretty, blonde hair with brown eyes. I'm guessing she is 32. Perfect for Adam, he's 34. I found that out a month ago.

She is actually really nice. I've cooked with her a few times. She likes me a lot and thinks it weird that my own father kidnapped me.

POV Ashton.

It's been three weeks and all of us were slowly losing hope. We searched everywhere, parks, shops, even weird looking houses.

The girls only left for school and stayed in her room. I was leaning against the kitchen isle, sipping a cup of coffee.

All of us were suffering from the fact that she was gone. Ace was the worst. Everyday, he would search for two hours, come back and try to sleep.

In the end he wouldn't be able to sleep, so he went to the small gym. Punching away his pain. It was noticable, he got more muscled.

Arthur, Alec, Adrian and Adam were trying to find out more information about Lina's family. Anthony was sitting on the dinner table.

Lina and Lynn were still at school. Ace came walking in with sweats on. His muscle were growing so much, I was so afraid that they might explode.

"Hey, dude. Where is your dog tag?" Anthony asked. Just now I noticed the empty spot on his chest.

Ace's blank face turned into one of realization. He stormed upstairs, making Tony and I follow him. He bursted into Adam's office and pushed Adam off his chair.

After sitting down he began to type furiously. "It's official." Alec stated. "He lost it."

"No I got it!" He kept typing. "I'm a genius." He whispered.

"No you've gone mad." Arthur said.

"NoNoNo!" He stopped typing. "Anthony reminded me that I gave Angel my dog tag!"

"So what?" I asked. "It's just a piece of metal."

"No you're getting it all wrong! I put another tag on it." He tapped his foot impatient. "I placed a tracking chip in that piece of metal."

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