Chapter 44: Ice Princess

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"Shut up jerk."

"Aye, I'm trying to help," I pout. "Let me help you unless you want to keep falling."

She huffs and pushes me back making me lose my balance as I fall onto the ice on my bum.

       She huffs and pushes me back making me lose my balance as I fall onto the ice on my bum

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"Harry you okay?!" Candice skates over to my side and I burst out laughing.

"I'm fine sweetheart," I smile getting up and look over at Roxanne who has her hands over her mouth.

"I'll be right back," Candice smiles and skates off and goes to remove her skates as she walks off.

"I'm so sorry," Roxanne says.

"It's fine. But... you're skating with me come on," I smile reaching my hand out to her. She hesitates for a moment then takes my hand as I gently hold hers and slowly skate.

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       "I'm going to fall

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"I'm going to fall."

"No you're not, just follow my lead," I smile at her. "You'll get the hang of it."

She gulps nodding and wraps her arm around mine tight afraid to let go. I chuckle and smile at her trying to walk with the skates.

"Nooo," I laugh shaking my head. "Just slide like this," I smile skating slowly as she then follows my movements.

His Angel (H.S) Book 1 ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora