When Boundaries Are Broken. [The Sequel to WFAF.] (2)

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Prologue Part 2 - New Years Pizza Party.

I thrashed as tears fell from my eyes and I threw the duvet off of me quickly. I scrambled to find the switch for my lamp and sighed in relief when I finally found it. Somehow, light seemed to bring relief when recovering from a night terror, even though it did not take away what was going through my mind. I wiped at my damp cheeks and attempted to clear the sleep from my eyes - I noticed the light coming through my curtains and glanced at the clock on my bedside table.

st Dec 2013.

Five hours of sleep is nowhere near enough but I guess it would have to do, there is not a chance that I would be getting any more sleep right now. I plodded down the stairs, quietly in order to not wake up my Dad. I haven't slept past 6:30am since everything happened a few weeks back, I have been racked with horrific night terrors that I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. They're filled with flashbacks and what-ifs, all that they do is scare me into insomnia. I reached the kitchen and made myself up a bowl of Cookie Crisp – nothing like sugar to wake me up at dawn.

-Ring. Ring. Ri-
The ringing of my phone made me jump; I grabbed it and answered it quickly so as to not disturb the silence in the house. I knew exactly who it would be, anyway.
“Hey.” I spoke softly down the phone, my voice still groggy from waking up and crying.
“Morning, I was hoping you wouldn't be awake yet.” Marc replied.
“I know, so was I....trust me.”
“You sound tired, love. Any chance of getting back to sleep?”
“Nope, not even slightly. What are your plans for today?” I asked, genuinely interested. Marc was still away seeing his brother, he's coming home in a few days so hopefully we'll get at least a week together before school starts.
“Well...first, I'm going to go and see someone who I haven't seen in what feels like years. Then, hopefully, It will be a relaxed day in front of the TV with pizza and movies. A duvet day, I believe it is called.”
“Sounds fun.” I remarked, genuinely jealous. I wish it was me who could see him today, the amount I miss him is unreal.
“Yeah, I guess it will be. What are your plans for today?” I heard the smile in his voice, I'm glad he's enjoying his time there. I thought for a second before I replied as I actually didn't have any plans for the day time.
“Nothing, I guess. I have no plans until later, so I suppose I'll hang out with my family. Tonight we're having a New Years party. Jess is coming over and some other people.”
“Well that sounds cool!” He replied.
“Yeah, I guess so,” it didn't really. The only thing that sounded cool about that is the prospect of having a few drinks and seeing my best friend, “It'll be nice to see Jess.”
“Yeah, for sure. I'm going to have to go now, sweet. I've got a half an hour drive to where I need to be. Talk soon. Bye.”
“Wow, you're setting off early. Okay, talk soon. Have a good day.”
“I'm off to meet an early riser, maybe you'll get on,” I heard his smirk, “Talk soon, hon.”

I ended the call and headed upstairs, back to my room. I guess I may as well get ready for the day. I jumped in the shower and washed with cold water, It helps to wake me up on the mornings. Weird, I know, who gets joy out of a freezing shower?! Me, obviously, the strangest girl in the whole of humanity. I kept it simple, I doubt I'll be leaving the house today unless I go to the shop for chocolate. I put on a small amount of make-up, dressing in grey leggings and a long, light blue tank top. I cannot wait to get this damn cast off of my leg, I can only wear shorts or leggings! I finished off my outfit with the charm bracelet Mr. Hinchcliffe bought me for Christmas.

So, now what? I have nothing to do. It is 7:30 am and already, I am bored senseless. I flipped open my laptop and opened my blog and, naturally, Facebook. Jess messaged me last night so I quickly replied, before mindlessly scrolling through my blog feed. I was mid-post when I heard a small, brisk knock at the door. Confused, I stumbled to the door without my crutches. Now I bet that was a sight to see! I opened the door, expecting to see the postman, but was left shocked and surprised.

“Morning Jasmine.”
“Uhh...eh?” Was all I could manage in response. As you can tell, my eloquence is of the highest standard. What an absolute dope.
“What a lovely greeting!” Marc laughed as he sidestepped past me and through the open door.
“Oh yeah, why don't you come in?” I asked sarcastically as I closed the door quietly behind us, “I thought you weren't coming home for a few days?”
“I wasn't, but I wanted to surprise you. Grab a jacket, we're spending the day at my place.”
“Erm...okay,” I smiled, hobbling over to my crutches and grabbing them before heading into the kitchen, “Stop smirking at me, I'm disabled.”
“Sorry, I can't help it. Why weren't you using your crutches anyway? Idiot.”
“What're you going to do, give me detention?” I threw back at him over my shoulder, smirking to myself. I was half way through writing a note to leave my Dad when I felt his hands gently rest on my shoulders.
“Yeah. And you have no idea how much joy that will bring me. I'm going to make you sit in my company for hours.” He whispered in my ear, sending shivers from the top of my neck right down my spine. I grinned but couldn't help but blush also. “You look cute when you blush. Now get a move on, there's a TV and a couch at mine just waiting to greet you.”
“All right, cool it, Kermit.”
I turned around slowly and faced him, his hands falling from my shoulders in the process. I held my own and smiled directly at him, trying somewhat to overcome my shyness. Not moving his position, he grabbed my jacket off of the counter behind me and threw it over my shoulders.
“I missed you.” I whispered, only loud enough so that if he were even one step further away, he wouldn't have heard.
His hands moved to the front of my jacket and he pulled me forward slightly, landing a kiss on my forehead, “I missed you, too. Lets go spend the day together.”
I nodded in response and followed him out of the door and to his car. I almost forgot how beautiful his Audi was, it's so luxurious and just utterly perfect. He opened the door to the passenger seat and helped me inside, taking my crutches and throwing them in the back.

The drive to his apartment was peaceful, I could almost feel myself drifting off. The stereo was playing something quiet and acoustic in the background, almost like a lullaby. Marc would glance over at me every so often and smile; a really proud, award winning smile that made my insides do cartwheels and made it impossible not to smile back.


I gasped and jumped up from where I was laid, feeling like I was fighting for breath.
“Woah, Jas! You scared me half to death. C'mere.”
Marc scooted over from the other side of the sofa and pulled me into him, talking to me quietly in order to try and calm me down. I rested my head on his shoulder and breathed deeply, trying to rebalance myself. I had obviously fallen asleep in the car and he had carried me into his apartment before I was rudely awakened by a nightmare. I exhaled deeply,
“Shit. I'm sorry.” I apologised, genuinely embarrassed by what had just happened.
“Don't be, is this what has been happening every night?”
I could hear the worry in his voice and it almost hurt me.
“Yeah, but you don't have to worry. It will pass in a few months, I'm guessing. I think it's just initial shock.”
“Yeah, suppose so,” Was his reply, “So much for spending the day together, huh? It's 9pm!”
My mouth fell open in utter shock.
“What?! Seriously? Aw, shit.”
My outburst was met by a loud, heartfelt bout of laughter.
“No, I'm kidding. It's 1pm. There's light coming through the window blinds, Jasmine. Come on, you're not that stupid.”
I lightly punched him in the arm, scowling playfully as I did so.
“I'm not stupid at all and that was not funny.”
“It really was. What would you like to do today? Have you done your English assignments yet? I'm always available for extra tutoring.”
I froze. I slowly turned my head to face his with a look of horror on my face. Hearing him playing teacher out of school was no fun at all, it only reminded me of our true position.
“W...what?” I mumbled, unable to form any sort of coherent reply.
Again, he laughed. A full, proper belly laugh.
“YOU'RE NOT FUNNY MARC! I hate you.”
“You're too easy to wind up, Jas, I'm sorry!”

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