(The Girl With Brown Eyes-Alia's Story) Chapter 1: Hello, place with no pizza

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/AN/ First off thank you for reading this, I can imagine you better things to do with your time...

Second,This is a completely original story, based on real life, all rights reserved to me. It is not meant to offend any person of any gender, race, age, or sexuality. Thank you once again for reading and I hope you enjoy!



PS: I have discontinued my America High fanfic to write this. Sorry, and I hope it was worth it.

Last week my world was turned upside down. My house filled up with moving boxes, and I was thrown on a plane bound for New Delhi. Now I am sitting on a Chandni Chowk bound train sitting in my school uniform. I am going to attend Kings International Academy. Now, before you Fangirl, leave your Hogwarts based boarding school assumptions behind. There are no wands, no brooms and no magic in KIA. I was going to a boarding school because I was just too much trouble. Too popular, too mischievous, too much Drake Maxwell for New York City. That's me in case you were wondering.

I was the king of the seventh grade at St. George's Institute. But, I was expelled for making the trophy case a fish tank and putting a live eel in there. It was a pretty good prank. Anyway, Chandni Chowk was the pits. It was hot and loud and they didn't have a decent pizza place in sight. Finally, we arrived at Kings. It was a huge stone building, with vines growing on the sides. The was a small fountain near the entrance and there were kids everywhere. A guy came up to me and tried to strike up conversation.

"Hey," the guy said, smiling, "Drake, right? I'm Samuel Abernathy! I'm your welcome bud-"

I cut him off quickly. In all the schools I went to, I found welcome buddy's to be clingy annoying and the first to snitch on you when you break a rule. I wasn't here to make friends anyway

"Hey." I said as I pushed him aside and walked onwards. I think he was a bit hurt.

I made my way down to the main office, and I couldn't help feeling that I was the only one for whom this was a punishment. I saw a group of guys around my age playing lacrosse on a field against a group of girls who were probably a year younger. There was a group of kids doing fencing and archery. A group of girls were sitting on the roof of one of the stone towers, doing some homework. These students weren't bad kids, they looked happy here! I had almost reached the office, when I heard a strange sound.

Don't wanna break your heart, wanna give your heart a break..

I know you're scared it's wrong, like you might make a mistake...

There's just one life to live, and there's no time to wait, to wait, to wait..

I walked into the room and saw a girl practicing badminton against the wall and singing.

She was incredibly average looking. She had skin the color of toffee, and  dark brown eyes. She was wearing a purple hijab, but you could see her wavy short black hair sticking out in places. She had pouty reddish lips, and had a thin, yet strong figure. She turned to face me and I couldn't help staring at her. At the moment she looked messy.

"You new here?" She didn't seem annoyed that I was eavesdropping, if anything she seemed amused.

"Um... Yeah," Since when do I get tongue-tied? "I'm Drake, what is your name?"

"Alia... And you are Drake?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Isn't Sammy your welcome buddy?"

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