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What..what is that?

Where am I?

And why is there something heavy on my stomach?

I open my eyes, squinting at the light coming in from the window. Glancing around, I realize I'm in the hospital. The beeping from before is the heart monitor I'm hooked up to.

And the weight on my stomach is the curly headed boy that I know and love.

Harry's fast asleep. One of his hands holds mine tightly and his other arm is draped over the tops of my legs.

Reaching down with my free hand, I gently stroke his cheek.

He leans into my touch, murmuring quietly as he wakes up gradually.

"Mm..Lou?" he says sleepily, blinking his eyes open. Once he sees that I'm awake, he perks up instantly.

"Louis! You're awake! Oh my god, I was worried sick! I thought you'd never wake up!" He says animatedly, skimming his hands over my face and torso, as if to make sure I'm actually real.

I grab his hands in my own, smiling in amusement at his flustered behavior.

"Harry, love, calm down. I'm perfectly fine." I say quietly.

He smiles at me, leaning in to place a small, chaste kiss to my lips. He pulls away and his eyebrows knit together with worry.

"So everything's fine? Nothing hurts? Do you need anything? Should I get a nur-"

"Harry!" I interrupt exasperatedly, " I'm fine! I feel great, actually. All I want is for you to relax." I say.

He smiles at me, chuckling softly.

"Sorry, sorry." he says, " I didn't mean to freak out, it's just you were asleep so long."

"How long?"

"Three days."

I spring forward, shocked at his answer.

"Three days?!"

Harry's eyebrows knit together and he frowns, pushing me back to lie down again. I find it incredibly cute that he's so concerned for my health.

"Yeah..you got thrown pretty far from that blast Lou. You were really beat up." he says, pointing to the cast on my left wrist, and the bandages all over my arms. I reach up to touch my head and realize there's a bandage there too.

"Oh.." I say.

I didn't realize it was that bad. I remember the agony I had been in after the explosion but I don't feel bad at all right now. My doctors must have done an outstanding job.

After a few minutes a nurse comes in to check on me, telling me that I'm well enough to go home later that day.

Harry fills me in on everything I'd missed over the last three days.

The police had gone into the ashes of the house the day after the explosion.

Leyton's charred bones were recovered and buried in the local cemetery.

No one had gone to his funeral.

Harry's mother would be coming back from wherever the police department had sent her tomorrow. He seemed excited about it. He hadn't seen her in months.

We talk about how we'll tell her about us. Harry says she already knows he's bi, which eases a little of my nerves.

I'm sure it'll work out though.

Harry and I have gone through hell and back together. Telling his mother about our relationship couldn't even compare to the other things we've faced.

Later in the afternoon, Zayn, Liam, and Niall come in to visit for a while. Liam and Niall had managed to escape with minor injuries, while Zayn had just gotten out of the hospital yesterday.

We spend the rest of the day just talking, laughing, enjoying our time together.

For the first time in months, we have nothing to worry about. We can be happy.

Leyton's gone.

I've got Harry by my side, smiling and laughing, just the way he should be.

I won't ever have to worry about losing him again.

Harry is found.

And I'll make sure he stays that way.

The End

A/N: finally finished it! I know this will upset some people ;) sorry! Sadly every story has to have an ending!

Anyways, I hope you guys liked the story, and if you could vote for it I would really appreciate it!

Thank you so much if you read, voted on, or commented on Lost!

P.s. if any of my readers are 5sos fans, i'll be writing an Ashton fanfic real soon. so if you're interested just keep an eye out for it! ;)

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