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It's been about a month now since Louis rescued me from Bruce. I've been working with the police, trying to find him, but there's no trace of him anywhere. All I want is for him to be behind bars. Honestly, the only thing that keeps me from constantly being afraid that he might come back to get me is Louis. I'd be a complete and total mess without him.

And if there's one good thing that came out of all of this, it would be that I met him.

It's been about 2 weeks since we've started..whatever it is that's between us. It's still undefined at this point.I know Louis likes me, I just don't know if he likes me like that. I like him like that. More than l've ever liked anyone, even my ex, Michael.

Louis has been acting different ever since that night we..well you know.

Whenever he gets the chance to touch me, he does. But for the most part, they're only small displays of affection, mostly like the kind you'd show a close friend. He presses his leg against mine when we sit next to each other, he caresses my back as he walks by me sometimes, and he gives me kisses on my cheek at the most unexpected times, just to make me blush.

He ruffles my curls whenever he gets the chance, and he loves to poke me in my side. He finds it absolutely hysterical that I have a ticklish spot, and I spaz uncontrollably and squeak whenever he pokes me there.

But usually it's nothing more than these small things and I can't help but wonder why.

Maybe he realized how stupid and gross I am.

Maybe he realized he only likes me as a friend.

Or maybe he decided we couldn't be in a real relationship, because I'm just a kid he has to watch over for his work.

Whatever the reason is, he's distancing himself from me just that little bit.

And it's making me crazy.

Every little touch he gives me, I can't help but lean into, and try to make it last. And sometimes I think I'm losing it, because I could swear I catch him watching me sometimes, a strange, sad look in his eyes. I could almost swear it looks like longing. But he turns away almost immediately after I catch him, and I'm left unsure of whether what I saw was real, or just my imagination.

As I lay here in my bed, I can't help but think about all of this. It's only about seven in the morning. I woke up at around four and couldn't get back to sleep. Louis doesn't know this, but I have nightmares nearly every night.Some nights, I call out in my sleep, and he comes in to comfort me. Usually when this happens I wake up dazed and in a panic. Louis holds me and runs his fingers through my hair, singing softly to me until I fall back asleep.

But tonight wasn't one of those nights.

A loud ringing echoes through the flat suddenly, and I hear Louis' hurried footsteps going down the hall to answer the phone.

I sit up and get out of bed, following him. When I round the corner I see Louis on the phone, a concerned look on his face.

"What? Why should I turn on the news, what's this about Zayn?"

Louis listens for a minute before his face goes pale and he rushes over to the tv. He flips to the news channel and I make my way over to him.

What I see on the television screen nearly causes me to throw up.

There's a reporter on the screen, talking about how a local school had been on lockdown, due to a shooter invading the building.

But that's not what bothers me.

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