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I speed down the freeway as fast as I can, my sirens blaring. Two other cop cars trail behind me, their sirens adding to the noise caused by mine.

"Take the next exit." Niall says from the passenger seat.

When I had left the apartment the first thing I had done was call in for backup. I had dropped by the station and picked up Niall, who'd been working at the time. He's been reading the tracking device, shouting out directions for me. Liam and Zayn are in the cars behind me.

I didn't bother calling in a whole lot of backup. That didn't work well last time. This time had to be different.

I figured Leyton would be able to get away if we all showed up to wherever it is he's hiding Harry.

So this time I'm going in alone.

It's between me and him now, I've had it with his sick little games.

I brought Niall, Zayn and Liam along to guard the perimeter, in case Leyton gets away, but I don't think that'll happen this time. Not if my plan goes accordingly.

We head onto the back roads as we leave the highway, winding our way through streets surrounded by forestry. The houses are spread far apart, some set far back into the woods.

It makes sense that he'd take Harry here. We're in the middle of nowhere. If Harry ever escaped it'd take him forever just to get to the next house over. And since the houses are so far apart, nobody would be able to hear Harry's screams.

I grip the wheel tighter and grind my teeth together.

Just that thought alone makes my blood boil. The thought of that monster's hands touching my baby is enough to make me see red.

"We're close," Niall says, snapping me out of it. "Next house on the right."

I slow down when I see the driveway come into view. Liam and Zayn pull over and park their cars after seeing me do the same and we all get out to plan what we're going to do.

"Alright, I want you guys evenly spaced on the perimeter, about 50 yards out from the house. I'll go in alone, but if you hear a gun go off, then I want you guys to come into the house."

"Got it." They all say, nodding.

They head off in different directions, going through the woods to head towards the house as I make my way down the driveway, doing my best to stay in the darkest of shadows.

I reach the front door and I pull my gun out, loading it before cautiously trying the door handle.


I curse under my breath as I round the house, looking for points of entry. I jump slightly when I hear a load crash from inside the house. It almost sounded like wood splintering?

I hear a few more thuds and crashes, followed by yelling. I pick up my pace then, my panic for Harry's safety motivating me to move faster.

After a few more minutes of desperate searching, I find a way in.

The bulkhead to the basement is unlocked.

I try to be as quiet as possible as I turn the rusty old handle, cringing when it makes a screeching sound.

I finally get the door open and I creep inside slowly, only to jump back as something swings at me from the darkness.


I manage to get all the way down the first flight of stairs before I hear Leyton start to come after me, his loud, heavy footsteps echoing through the house.

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