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Two hours after leaving the airport, we finally pull into the parking lot of my apartment building.

Harry is still fast asleep in the passenger seat. I shake him gently and he startles, his eyes going wide and his breathing picking up in a fraction of a second. When he realizes it's only me he calms down. It makes me sad to know that he's been traumatized to the point where it's this easy to scare him.

"We're here." I say quietly before getting out of the car and going to the trunk.

I pull out Harry's suitcase as he gets out of the car. He tries to take it from me but I insist on being a good host and carrying it for him. I lead him into the lobby of the building and to the elevator, pressing the number 10.

As the elevator ascends, I glance over at Harry, who looks absolutely exhausted. He's swaying slightly where he stands, struggling to stay awake. His eyes slowly close for a few seconds before he snaps them open, only to repeat the process over again. He rubs his eyes like a child and I can't help but think how adorable he looks right now.

No, Louis. Off limits. He's been traumatized enough, you liking him would only freak him out.

The elevator stops at the 10th floor and I step out, a half-sleeping Harry following behind me. I unlock the door to my apartment and step inside, switching the lights on.

Harry stops to look at everything, waking up a bit, his eyes sparking with awe. My apartment is rather high end I suppose. The ceilings are high and the back wall is entirely made of glass, overlooking the city. It's got a pretty open layout. The kitchen is to the left as you walk in, only separated from the dining room on the right and the living room to the back by a high counter with bar stools on one side.The living room has a large fireplace with a flat screen tv placed above it and two large sofas with a coffee table.

"How on earth do you afford this?" Harry asks.

I scratch the back of my neck nervously.

"Uh..well..my family died in an..incident..a few years back.. so I inherited some money." I say looking down.

"Oh...I'm so sorry, Louis. That's just..terrible."

I lift my head back up and find Harry looking at me with such sincerity I nearly lose it. I cough, trying to get a hold of my emotions. It would hardly be helpful if I broke down in front of Harry.

"Uh.. Let me show you your room then, eh?" I say passing Harry, carrying his suitcase down the hallway off to the right of the living room. I come to the first door on the left and open it stepping inside and setting Harry's suitcase down.

It's a large room, much like the rest of my apartment. It's got a king sized bed as well as a large desk and it's own adjacent bathroom. The back wall has a large window seat with several cushions on it.

"This is really nice," Harry says, taking in the sight of the room.

I smile at his childlike wonder.

"I'm glad you like it," I say heading back to the door. I stop in the doorway, turning to Harry.

" I'm going to bed now, but you're free to do whatever you want. There's food in the kitchen and you're more than welcome to use the flat screen tv if you'd like."

"Oh.Thanks ,Louis, but I think I'm gonna turn in too. I'm so tired." he laughs

"Alright, well I'm just across the hall if you need anything, ok?"

"Ok, 'night,Louis."

"Goodnight, Harry." I say smiling at him and shutting the door behind me.

I go across the hall into my own bedroom, keeping my door open in case Harry needs something. I strip out of my clothes, changing into just a pair of sweatpants and crawling into bed. Within minutes I'm fast asleep.

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