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............Every man hath a good and a bad angel attending on him in particular all his life long _ Robert Burton.....

It was bright.

He tried to open his eyes but the light burned his eyes, causing him to quickly shut them. Slowly, he opened his eyes and as he did so the horrible pain hit him and his throat started to burn and his head ached badly like it was poked continuously with needles. He squirted his eyes to adjust to the light coming from the window beside him.

He looked around, he had expected to see iron bars around him and still bleeding and have uncomfortable shackles around his hands and legs, but instead, he saw a wooden roof over the room he was in which had its door ajar, the sweet fragrance of flowers filled his nose, making him wondering where he was. He remembered that his wounds had been bleeding but when he touched it, although it still hurt, the bleeding had ceased. He was not in armor any more, he was in a white cotton shirt.

The burn in his throat was not reducing, so he managed looked around the room he was in, trying to see if there was a cup of water to quench his abnormal thirst but all he saw was blurred objects.

"He is awake.", He heard someone whisper outside the room.
He continued to hear whispers outside the room although he could not make out the words. A minute later, someone finally peeped inside the room.

"Wa--ter." He said in a croaked voice.

Immediately, someone, all he saw was still blurred shapes, entered the room. When the person got to where he slept, they sat beside his head and gently raised his head up, brought something to his lips, and they said softly, "Drink", he heard although the voice sounded so far off.

When the liquid got to his dry mouth, he drank like that would be the first time in days he had gotten close to water.
When he had drank the water up to his satisfaction, they gently placed his head back on the pillow, they got up from his side and placed the cup on the table.

Just as the person was about to leave the room, he finally spoke when the burning pain in his throat had ceased a little, "Where am I?". The person stopped right in their track when they heard his low demanding voice.

"You should get some rest." They said gently over their shoulder.
"Where am I?" He demanded again but with a bit of urge in his voice this time.

They sighed before saying, "You have been asleep for three days now and I think it would be best if you get some rest and drink some water to ease your throat."
"I have been asleep for three days?" He asked unbelievably. He was supposed to be on his feet running from them not laying down in a random person's bed.

"How is that possible?" Still in his uncertainty, he look around once again. He tried to get up from the bed but the pain in his side hurt more.
"You should stay down." The person rushed to his side.

"How did I get here?", He enquired.
"We found you in the fields, bleeding and slipping into unconsciousness. You would have died if we had left you there. And as you can see, your wounds have been attended to in a rather inconvenient way just so you could heal properly", They informed him.

"I am very surprised to see you alive." The person added.

"I was supposed to get somewhere but now I am pretty much too late to catch up." He said in such impolite manner.
"I am sorry if I helped you stay alive. I should have left you in the fields and maybe some animals may feed on you. Maybe then you would have gotten to that somewhere sooner.", They said, almost shouting at him.
Then, the room became silent. He knew that he would probably have been dead if someone had not found him.

"You should get some rest." They whispered. "If you need anything, I am just outside."

"Maria! He is coming." Someone said silently outside the room.
"Get some rest." And with that he was left alone in the room.

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