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Day 15

I slowly opened my eyes, jumping when I was met with new surroundings. I quickly adjusted after I realized Calum's arms were loosely twined around my waist. After successfully replacing myself with my pillow I attempted to leave the bed only to have Calum's slender fingers wrap around my forearm and pull me back into his grasp.

"Where do you think you're going?" He grumbled, his voice an octave lower since he had just woken up.

"To make breakfast?"

"No, you're going to cuddle with me." He lazily ordered, tightening his grip on my waist. I was about to reply when his stomach faintly rumbled, cutting off my words.

"Your stomach disagrees, babe." I giggled prior to breaking free of his hold.

"You're cuddling me when you're done!"  He called out as I closed his bedroom door.

"Oh hey, you're up." I greeted Mali, who was already starting to make French toast. 

"Good morning, I hope you like French toast."

"I was actually coming down here to make some for all of us but I guess you beat me to it.' I laughed as she faintly smiled, dipping the toast into the batter mix.

"Care to cut the fruit over there?" She asked, gesturing to the produce littering the wooden cutting board behind her.

"So," I wickedly grinned, "do you have any embarrassing stories about Cal?"

"I thought you'd never ask." She mirrored my expression after the French toast was haphazardly placed on the small griddle.

"Oh no, I just didn't want to ask with Calum around."

"Where shall I start?" Mali pondered, repeatedly tapping her chin with her index finger.

"Well one time we went to Disney World and he was convinced we were lost," giggled began to break through her words, "so he went up to the Mickey Mouse guy and made them call out to my parents over the loudspeaker." Mali continued to tell me about the various times Calum had gotten lost as a child.

"It all makes sense now," I realized, "that's why Calum always gets us lost.”

"How many times has he gotten you lost?" Mali sighed, pressing the pad of her finger against her brow.

"Technically twice, but he's only taken me away from this town two or three times."

"You guys gossiping about me again?" Calum asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

“Maybe.” Mali replied in a guilty tone as I snickered quietly.

“I mean, I could always call Gabe.” Cal halfheartedly threatened, reaching for my phone I had left on the table.

“No you won’t.” I threatened him.

“I might.”

“Over my dead body.” He snorted.

“That can be arranged.” I jokingly retort, holding up the knife I had been using to cut the fruit as Mali tittered from the look on Calum’s face.

“Okay, there’s no need for that.” She calmed down, coaxing the knife out of my hand and playing along.

“You can’t kill me.” Calum stated, resting his head on my shoulder. “You would miss me too much.”

“That’s true.” I agreed before picking the knife up again and finishing my job of chopping the strawberries and pineapple, placing them in their designated bowls and setting them on the table.

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