Chapter 13

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(Normal Pov)

You got up from the table and couldn't shake the feeling you were being watched. You walked into the bathroom and went to the mirror to check your makeup. After making sure your makeup is fine you decide to check your phone. You heard the door open but didn't look up. "Well if it isn't miss Stark" familiar man's voice says. You look up and gasped. It was the guy you fought on top of the bridge. "W..what are doing here" you say backing up. "I'm here to finish what I was supposed to do weeks ago." He says smiling. He kept stepping forward so you kept stepping backwards until your back hit the wall. He finally attacked and tried to punch you but you dogged and hit him in the stomach. He grunted and grabbed your hand before you could punch him again. You used this as leverage and swung him on to his back. "Not so tough now are you" you say as your about to leave but unbenounced to you a second man entered the restroom. Just before you turned around he wrapped his arms around you and forces a cloth over your mouth and nose, no doubt drenched in chloroform. You try to hold your breath and get free but you can't so you do the only thing you can do you scream.

(Time skip)

You wake up feeling groggy. What happened you thought. You open your eyes and realise your not in your bed. Your in a completely white room with no one in it. That's when you realize what happened no you thought no no no no no this can't be happening you shoot up and ripped the medical devices off your body and you hear the heart monitor flatline. You race towards the door and try to open it but it's locked. You hear rushed voices and you hurriedly looked for something to defend yourself with. You find a syringe full of this clear liquid and prepare for the door to open. You hear the door unlock and see a cart rush in followed by a doctor. You take the syringe and plunge it into her neck. You inject the liquid as she screams. You take out the syringe and prepare to stab another person when strong arms grab your wrists and keep you from moving them. Your about to kick where the sun doesn't shine when you hear "woah there kiddo don't want to hurt your old man do you".

It was your dad. You look up and are met with Tony's smile. "Dad" you say dropping the syringe and hugging him. " Oh god dad I thought they got me" you say relief flowing through your vanes. "I would never let that happen" he says hugging you back. "Where's Peter" you ask. "he's fine he fell asleep in the waiting room" Tony replied. "How long was I out, what happened, where are the..." you asked but were interrupted by Tony "Well aren't you full of questions. Why don't we go wake up Peter and explain everything that happened" your dad said.

(Twenty four hours earlier)

(Peters Pov)

As soon as Mr. Stark and I hear Y/N scream we get up and ran towards the women's bathroom. We burst through the doors to see two men leaving the bathroom through the brand new whole in the wall. I spot the one carrying Y/N and was about to run after them but I see metal fly through the whole in the wall and attach themselves to Mr. Stark. "Stay here kid I've got this" he says. "But I.." he cut me off "NO we don't need you getting hurt to" I sigh and decide to call the police.

(Third Person Pov)

As the two Hydra men walk off carrying Y/N someone shouts "STOP RIGHT THERE" the two kidnappers turn around and are met with a man in a shiny metal suit known as Iron Man. "Shit" the stronger of the two men says "get her in the van quick". "Oh no you don't, you can hurt me or my team but one thing you can NOT do Is hurt my daughter" Tony says as he destroyed the van. One of the men tries to shoot at Iron Man and said "not much of a team anymore is it". Tony makes the hand of the suit come off and punch the guy who is not holding Y/N and he falls unconscious. Peter runs to Tony' s car to get his web shooters because he doesn't have time to put The whole suit on. The guy holding Y/N was now running towards the woods but stopped short because iron man is blocking his way. "Give her back" Tony says " know wh..what she's not worth it you can have her" he says dropping Y/N on the floor. Tony lands next to Y/N and picked her up. As the guy tries to get away Peter shoots his webs at this face so his eyes are covered and then shoots his webs at the man's wrists and ankles. he did the same to the other man. Once both men were in custody Peter ran over to Y/N to check on her.

(Peter's Pov)

I run over to Y/N and neal next to her sleeping form. I put some of her hair behind her ear and hold her hand. Mr. Stark walks over to us and I ask "when do you think she will wake up". He looks at his daughter solemnly and responds "I don't know but we better get her to a hospital since the avengers tower is no longer mine and we don't know how they knocked her out" "right" I respond. I pick Y/N up and walk over to mr. Starks car. I look at Y/N's beautiful face and I can't help but worry for her safety.

(Present day)

Regular Pov

Peter had his arm around you. He hasn't  let you go since you woke him up. "So after that we brought you to the hospital. We weren't sure if they injected you with anything so that's why you were set up with the heart monitor." Tony finished. "But why was the door locked" you asked. "  If me or Peter wasn't in the room with you the door was to remained locked in case of another kidnapping attempt." "I'm just happy your ok" Peter said kissing your temple. "Yea me to" you replied. "I'm going to leave you two alone" Tony said as he stood up and walked away.

"I hope that doctor I injected is ok" you say worredly. "Yea she should be the people here are said to be the best in the world" Peter replied laughing but then his face dropped and he became serious. "Y/N when I heard you scream I thought for sure you would be gone and that I would never see you again". "But I wasn't you saved me" you replied now sitting on Peters lap. "No your dad saved you I barely did anything" he replied tearing up "I could have lost you yesterday". "But you didn't Peter I'm right here" you say cupping his cheek and wiping away his tears. "But what if one day they do get you what if they kill you I...I couldn't forgive myself" he said tears streaming down his face. "Those are all what ifs and even if I do get kidnapped I know that you and my dad will do everything in your power to get me back."  "But what if we cant" he replies hugging you like if he were to let go you would disappear. "Peter stop with the what ifs and just enjoy the time we have together now don't think about what could happen think about what is happening and the fact that I love you" you replied as you kiss Peter with fierceness. Peter kisses back almost immediately and once you pull away he says "I love you to Y/N". The two of you just sit there in each other arms until your finally released from the hospital.

Hey guys. I'm sorry again for the terribly long wait it's just school has been really stressful lately and I've been really busy. And also I HIT OVER 2K VIEWS!!!😁😁😁😁. I'm really thankful for everyone who reads and enjoys my story. I honestly thought that this story was trash and I never expected it to get any views let alone 2k. Thank You all so much. 💖💖

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