Chapter 3

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Ok I just wanted to say thank you for all of your support it really means a lot to me. 😘😘

As soon as you got out of Liz's house you started to run. you didn't care where you were going or who saw you, you just wanted to escape, to forget this night ever happened. You couldn't believe Peter would fall for a slimy snake like Liz especially after what happened.

All of a sudden out of nowhere a bright light came through a patch of trees you were by. How far did I run you thought. Again the bright light shone through the trees so you decided to check it out.

You peeked through the trees and saw a bridge and under it was a white van. There were three guys and they looked to be making some sort of deal. You hid behind the bridge and listened in on there conversation.

"Yea there all yours but only if you and your team help us capture Y/N Stark." You couldn't believe what you were hearing. You took your phone out to take a picture of the guys but at the worst moment possible your phone rang.

It was Peter.

You knew you were screwed so you answered. "Y/N What happened  where did.."

"Peter" you whisper

"gotcha" one of the men said he was scrony compared to the other two guys but still just as creepy.

"PETER HELP". You dropped your phone and prepared yourself for battle. The man swung his arm and you dived out of the way. There was some sort of device on his arm that hummed when ever he moved. You didn't know what it was but you sure as heck didn't want to find out.

You quickly got up to get out of the way but got grabbed by a different guy. He was more buff and definitely stronger than the guy with the hummey thing on his arm.

He put a gun to your head and said "don't move sweetie we don't want to ruin that pretty face of yours" you figured that they wouldn't kill you not right away at least so you stomped on his foot

"shit" the man cursed. He dropped you and you ran but you soon realised you weren't getting anywhere. You looked up and you saw the third guy holding a gun looking thing with some sort of blue tractor beam coming out of it and surrounding you. You tried to get out of the beam but no matter how hard you tried you couldn't get out.

Suddenly you flew up in the air towards the top of the bridge and you groaned on impact.

"LET ME GO" you yell as the man hurled you back to the ground. You cried out in pain as you hit the ground. The guy was in the middle of lifting you to the top again when a voice said

"Hey woah fella that's no way to treat a lady" you looked up and saw spiderman. I'm saved you thought

"Alright I'll stop" the man said Suddenly the blue beam disappeared and you started to fall "AHHHH" you screamed as you plummeted to the ground. In the tractor beam you weren't falling as fast when you hit the ground it just felt like you were pushed really hard into a wall but now your falling full force and from this height you would be extremely lucky to get out unscaved.

"NO" you heard Spiderman yell. You closed your eyes waiting for impact when All of a sudden you felt something hit your side and you open your eyes and see spiderman holding you close swinging through the air.

He dropped you off at the top of the bridge and said "stay here I'll take care of the bad guys down there"

"al...alright" you said still in shock. As he swung down you heard him mumble something along the lines of "bad guys really".

You heard fighting going on below the bridge then out of know where you felt a hand punch you Square in the face and you fell to the ground. You felt your nose start to bleed but ignored it and looked up. It was the big guy with the gun.

You were on the ground and in the process of getting up when you felt his foot slam into your ribcage. You yelp in pain and try to get up again but he kicks you on the side of your head. The world started to spin and you sputtered to the ground. You saw his foot coming for you once more but this time you were able to catch it and flip him on his back.

You got up still a little wobbly and kicked him in his groin. The man curled up in a ball and you grabbed him by the hair and smashed his head onto the concrete and he was out. You checked his pulse to make sure he was still alive which he was.

"Hey are you ok" you heard a voice behind you say you turned around and met the masked face of your savior.

"woh did you take him out by yourself" he said shocked.

"Uh yea I'm not as weak as I look" you reply

"your bleeding here let me take a look"spiderman came up to you and put some of your hair behind your ear. Your heart flutters. "Ok I think you'll live but you should get home and take care of your wounds do you maybe want a ride" He offered.

"Uh sure why not but how..." you were cut off when Spiderman grabbed you by the waist and shot his web towards a tall tree. You tightly latch on to him as he effortlessly swings through the tree towards the city.

"hey could you maybe loosen up a bit I know I'm handsome and all but I can't breath" Spiderman says gasping.

"Sorry.. sorry I didn't mean to..." you start but were quickly interrupted by spiderman.

"no no it's fine my first time swinging was scary to. In won't drop you I promise" he said looking at you. You blushed as he looked away. What just happened You thought. Wait Y/N he's probably like thirty you corrected as spiderman tightened his grip. it was nice being held by a guy who saved your life. You decided that you didn't care if he was thirty and that the butterflies are just you being excited because a superhero is holding you tight. It doesn't mean anything to him, he probably does this on a daily basis you tell yourself.

"Alright were here" he said as he dropped you on the roof of the apartment building that Peter lives in.

"Wait how did you know where I'm staying" you said suspiciously

"Uh.. told" he replied like it was more than a question.

"Hmm no I didn't" you say well he does work for my dad but that doesn't explain how he knew I was staying at Peters place You thought.

"Oh look at the time I better get going I have homework to finish see you later Y/N" Spiderman say in a hurry.

"Wait so your not thirty" you ask as he was about to jump off the roof

"wha... no NO where did you get that idea" Spiderman said turning around

"school?" You say. "Anyway thank you  for saving my life Spiderman"

"it was no problem really" he replies

"Yea still, thanks again I'll see you on the news or something" you laugh 

"Yea I guess you will" he laughs "but don't fret Madame your knight in shining armor will be there whenever you need him" Spiderman said bowing

"Now I must be going try not to get into too much trouble without me" he says winking as he jumps of the building.

"Bye Spiderman" you said watching him swing away with his webs.

As you headed towards the door to the roof you realised that you never told him your name.

Here was a longer chapter then normal because I am having to do some major rewriters for the next couple chapters so please be patient with me and I'll try to get them out ASAP and if you were wondering how Peter found Y/N he tracked her phone.

Wish You Were Here (Spider-man/Peter parker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now