Chapter 4

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You slowly opened the door to Peters apartment and looked around for any sign of May. Once the coast was clear you made a run for Peter's room. As you closed the door you saw Peter pulling up his sweatpants.

"Oh sorry I should have knocked" you said covering your eyes and blushing a bright shade of red.

"Y/N OH MY GOD ARE YOU OK WHAT HAPPENED OH GOD ARE YOU BLEEDING" Peter said running to you looking over your body to find all of your injuries.

"Peter I'm fine" you say trying to get him off of you

"NO you're not here let me take care of your wounds... please Y/N"

"Alright" you give in

"so what happened"

(Time Skip to when your done telling your story)

"And THE Spiderman took me home"you finished just as Peter was done cleaning your wounds.

"wha...what do you think about Spiderman" Peter asks "Oh well he saved my life so he's already pretty  awesome but he took down two guys with super high tech weaponry and he's super strong and nice and I bet he's attractive by the sound of his voice and he's the only guy who seems to care about how I feel" you say in a dreamy voice.

"I care" Peter said under his breath but you heard it

"you care?" You say hopeful

" he..heard me" Peter says blushing

"Yea a quiet room with only the two of us of course I'm going to here you" you reply laughing. An awkward silence filled the room so you decided to break it. "So... how was the rest of the party"

"oh... me and Ned left after what happened to you" Peter replies.

"Oh... sorry to rain on your parade... what were you and Liz talking about before I left"

"oh..." he said "s...she kinda as..asked me out"

"WHAT" you said heart broken "what did you say".

"I said no" Peter replies looking down

" wait really w...why I th...thought you liked her".

"I did until she dumped water on the only girl that matters to me well besides may" Peter blushed but you were a deep shade of crimson

"w..what" you said

"ye..yea your my best friend Y/N. you and me are probably even closer than Ned and I so if someone messes with you they mess with me" you signed . That's not what you wanted to here. You were so deep in the friend zone that there was no escape.

Sorry for the short chapter but  that's why I'm posting two today

Wish You Were Here (Spider-man/Peter parker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now