Chapter 8: Continued

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We arrive and everyone's dancing with cups in their hands music, blasting, and smoke in a center areas defined by the cloud. Spinner squeezes through people. I see a guy dancing with multiple girls, someone knocked out on the couch, and another smoking. The area was located in this big banquet area you couldn't tell by the teenagers everywhere in it. I feel the music flowing through my body and start dancing. Spinner gets close and dances with me. He twirls me around as he gets closer to my back. He places his hands on my hips swaying to the music. 3 songs later the mood changes to something more slow and relaxing. Everyone took this time to relax while a few stayed back and pulled each other into a love interlock dance.

"I'll be right back,"Spinner said in my ear. I start to head back when I hear someone say.

"Didn't expect to see you here," I look back and see Skyler Zimiskin. I've known him from one crazy summer with my cousin. We had the best summer I had in years. We used to have a crush on each other back when we was younger. I didn't realize how long it really had been.  He extends his hand to me. I grab it as we start to slow dance. It was like I was a little girl again dancing with him playing house. I look at him again hard to believe what a small world it really was. We sat down and caught up for a bit before Spinner returns for his mysterious leavings. I introduced him to Skyler.

"So what's that going to mean between you to," he said after it was all said and done. I shrugged my shoulder. Nothing was ever going to come out of meeting him again. Well that I knew of. Spinner and I continue on with our night like old times full of laughter and talking. It was tiring but well worth it. After 3 hours we decided to call it a night. He drives me home and walks me up to my apartment.

"I will always love you," he stated kissing my forehead before kissing my lips. I kissed him back and disappeared into my apartment. I see Josh on the couch and make my way back to our bedroom and plop on the bed as I immediately fall asleep

My First Time: High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now