Chapter 4: Continued

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"How could I," he whispered as turned and walked off. We exit out the doors and head to Josh's newly modified Audi. Josh always parked of course far from everyone making sure no one hits "Lacey" he called her. He unlocks the door when we reach it at the darkest end of the garage. I open up my door and put my bag out back. He gets in and looks at me with his eyebrows raised.

"Well I was going to be romantic and open your door but I guess that's kind of late," he said pressing the ignition button.

"You have to beat me to it," I said grabbing his hand. "Quick pit stop to Etam to shop?"

"Again baby," he said backing up.

"Oh come on it's just a few more things plus who said there was a limit to clothing options," I said glancing over and smiling at him. His eyes locked on the road. He shakes his head and lets out a sign. We stop at a stop light and I kiss him firmly on the lips.

"Sure," he said finally caving in. "You know my weaknesses." He chuckled.

I lean over and whisper in his ears, "I do that's why I need an outfit for tonight," I said with a nibble on his earlobe. He quickly looks over to me and looks back at the road. He places his hand on my thigh and gives it a firm squeeze.

"You're going to make my mind wonder about this surprise aren't you,"he asked with a quick glance. I kiss him one last time on the cheek before converting my attention to the scenery. I began to think about the race. Than Spinner crosses my mind. Like what if he won. What did that mean for Josh and I. Could I just not do it and be shunned by everyone. I would talk to Josh about it but I didn't want to jump in that water full of sharks. So we finish our driver to Etam quietly. Josh lets out a yawn. I look over and see him rub his eyes.

"We won't be long. I'll be in and out so you can get home and rest before the race. Just switch and I'll drive home," I said as we pulled up to Etam and he parks. He walks over to my side and opens the door for me to get out. I get out and let him in. "Get some rest." I said shutting the door. I walk into Etam and get greeted. I head for the far back and spot a cute dress. I look for my size and continue hunting. Finally after a few minutes of shopping I head to the register. I approach the counter and noticed the cashiers 'I don't want to be here' attitude. She rings everything up in silence and finally finish.

"103 is your total." I dig into my pocket to pull out my card and swipe it. She snatches the receipt and throws it in the bag. She continues on to the next customer. I grab my bag and head out to the car. I see Josh dead asleep. I smile and press the unlock button. I quietly put my bag in the back seat and press the button to start the car up. Even when he slept he looked so attractive. I head towards our place. Lost in the scenery and thoughts. Even those we lived in Paris for two years it never loses its true color. My phone rings to break me out of my daydreaming. I pull over and park rummaging through my bag for my Bluetooth headset. I find it next to a bag of chips and put them in.

"Hello," I said confused of who was on the other end.

"Hey baby," said the familiar voice. "I'm surprised you picked up." I looked over to Josh and start the car up to proceed with driving. I remained silent. "You know I love you right." Hearing those words made my stomach flutter a little. I hate this feeling he would give me. Joy, happiness, anger, and hurt. My heart began to sting as I remained silent and let out a sign. "Yeah I fucked up. I am trying to prove to you that I'm not that guy anymore. When will you see that before you make a really bad mistake." I let out another sign as the sting inside my heart continues to hurt.

"Dory," he exclaimed. " Say something,"

"You say that now but how do I know you mean it."

"When I win the race I'll prove it to you." He said as he hung up. By this time I had arrived to my apartment building looking for a parking spot. I put there and place my head on the wheel. I don't know why it was growing harder and harder to avoid Spinner. Even the words he still said stood deep in my heart. I look over and see Josh sleeping and just start kissing him all over his face until he finally wakes up.

"Hey baby," he said stretching. He opens his car door and grabs all the bags from the back seat closing the door. I get out and grab his hand and smile as we cross the street to our apartment. He lets go of my hand and grabs the door I smile and walk under his arm. We walk over to the elevator and press the button. We both walk into the elevator and he drops the bags and pins me against one of the walls. He pulls both my hands up above my head and starts to kiss me softly. A moan escapes my lips as our bodies met. Feeling his body pressed against mines made me want him. He kisses me on my neck and slowly goes down and stops. By my ear. "Two can play at this game." Giving my ear a kiss and picking up the bags again. My eyes pop open wide when he stopped. He just kissed me on my forehead with a chuckle. "Not nice knowing you're craving someone and they do that huh." The elevator stops as a man and two little girls enter. We move over and let them in. Josh pulls me in closer once the mysterious man entered. Few moments later we stop again on our floor. I head out with Josh following me. We reach our apartment and I bend down to retrieve the keys from our fake tree. I unlock the door and toss the keys back into the tree. I head to the kitchen and hear Josh plop on the couch. "You want something to drink," I asked. Pouring myself something to drink. I finish my drink and wash out the cup before putting it up.

"No. Damn baby I'm glad you bought these." I hear him say in the background. I walk back to the room and see Josh sleeping with one of my dress on his chest sleeping. I removed my dress from him and grab a blanket from the nearest closet. I give him a kiss on the forehead and my phone rings. I step into a different room and a big picture of Kalyn appears on my phone.

"Hello," I said happily.

"Hey sis. What are you doing on this lovely day," she asked.

"Josh is taking me out later and than to a street race. After is a movie night. Want to join us. Aéro is coming. So you don't be intruding." I said laying down on our bed. "You know you want to. The race isn't till 8" I said convincingly. She starts to laugh.

"Sure why not baby sister. I'll bring Mikey it be nice to see a good race. Plus keep your safe. I'll see you later. I love you."

"I love you too," I said hanging up. I begin to think about the race and drift off asleep. I wake up and the room is dark. I noticed a blanket on me. I find my phone on a nearby stand. 6:19. I head to the bathroom for a nice hot shower. I turn on the water and undress. I step into a nice hot shower. I hear the door up.

"Glad to see you're up and getting ready. Need anything,"Josh asked opening the shower door.

"Can you hand me my bag from Etam," I said kissing him before I closed the shower door again. He returns with a bag in his hand. I open up the shower and see him standing with one hand in his front pocket. He had on a blazer and dress pants and his hair looked neat. I was hypnotized by his appearance for a minute before grabbing the bag. I turn off the water and dry off. I searched the bag for my dress Josh previously had on him. It was a sparkling red dress with one strap. I slip it on. I open the door and Josh sits up from the bed with a big smile on his face.

"You're so beautiful," he said getting up and caressing my face. He looks me deep in my eyes and kisses me. I hold his face for a moment before we break apart. "Ready to end a great Valentine's Day," he said leading me into the living room. I nod my head as we leave our apartment.

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