Chapter 6: Continued

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Aéro, Lovey and I finally part ways from Josh which made getting to class easier. We walk in and on the board said "Free Time."

"Well let's start the battle than," said Lovey with a snicker. I smile at her and Aéro looks back and forth between us.

"No fair. I'm a one man team right now." He said with a smile. It was true. In all fairness I pull out my phone and text Josh 'Meet us at the creek by the school right now. War time'. We all head out and make our way to the creek. Taking off our backpacks we sit on the grass. 5 minutes later Josh shows up.

"Now are you guys ready," I asked. They both nod.

"Lets make the first one easy. Truth or Dare," she said with a smiling. They both roll their eyes.

"We're not 12 but sure why not," Josh said acting cocky.

"Truth or Dare," I asked looking at Josh.

"Fuck it dare," he said. "I dare you to go skinny dipping in the creek." I said with a smile. Lovey starts shaking her head.

"Come on babe that's easy,". He undress and everyone closes their eyes besides me. He touched the water and ran in before running back out. "Holy fuck balls it's cold!"

We all start laughing as he runs back and gets dressed. Hearing his voice shiver he asked Chelsea," True or Dare."

She bites her lip before finally saying "Truth. I'm not running through that cold water."

"Do you like Aéro," Josh asked very bluntly. Everyone gets quiet both Lovey and Aéro turn bright red. She looks around for a minute and finally blurts out,"Yes!"

"Dory truth or dare," she asked me trying to move the attention from her.

"Truth," I said with a smile.

"Is it trust that you actually hate when Josh goes to the gym." I smile at him and bluntly say,"Yes." We all start laughing. "Well with moderations."

"Aéro truth or dare," I said smiling at him.

"Dare since you ladies want to play it safe. ," he said with a smile. I think about the question for a little. I had to know if all the things Aéro said was true. If the reason he couldn't be with Lovey was because of me.

"I dare you to kiss Lovey," I finally said. Lovey begins to blush and gets very shy. I could tell the pressure was on Aéro by the expression on his face. Finally he leans in and closes his eyes and she does the same. Within inches of each other's lips he pulls away. " Sorry Lovey this has nothing to do with you but I can't do this." He grabs his backpack and walks away. Lovey sits there and tears roll down her face. Josh grabs his things and I see him run up to Aéro. I sit there with Lovey in silence.

"You just couldn't leave it alone could you," she whispered. I never seen her cry before. Shes always been there for me when I've cried over a a bad date, stressed out, or even corny things like a sad movie. She's always been a chipper person. I reach out to give her a hand and she moves.

"I'm sorry Lovey I didn't mean to have this get out of hand I..," I stopped as she raised her hand as if to tell me that she could spare the pity party.

"If it was meant to happen it would happen," she said. She wipes her face as she gives me a tight hug. I could feel my chest tightening up. I felt like I betrayed my friend just to know something I could ask. Asking Aéro could potentially run our friendship too. I didn't mean to hurt her. I squeeze her tighter and hold back the tears. We grab our things and I catch up to Josh. He stopped walking so he could talk to me.

"Aéro said he has his reasons. Maybe it is true maybe he does love you," Josh stated. I remain quiet. I wasn't 100% sure that he was in love with me. I just knew I couldn't stand making anyone feeling the way I made Lovey feel. I could only imagine how Aéro felt if it was true. Being in love with someone and watching them be with someone who wasn't you.

"Look," shout Aéro as he pointed to the direction of our school. A bunch of smoke was coming from it. We all run back in search of our class. Teachers had to make sure everyone was accounted for. We can hear the fire truck as we get closer to our group. Aéro, Lovey and I split up to search for our math class. Frantically running we see Lovey's hand go up and run towards her hand like it's a beacon. Halfway to her I feel a hand on my shoulder. The first thing that comes to mind is shit I'm in trouble they will know I skipped. I look back at the mystery person to find Spinner.

"We need to talk," he said.

"Sure later," I said continuing to make my way to Lovey. I get there just in time. The principal is going though the list and calling out our names to double check that no one was missing. After the head count was done we waited to see the damage. Josh comes running over.

"What the fuck did that bastard want,"

"Nothing," I said hunched over trying to catch my breathe. I could have told Josh the truth that we was going to talk later but I had to know the truth to all these confusions I've had. It was best to just keep it to myself. Finally they put the fire out. Turns out it was a small fire that started in the kitchen or as it was told. Everyone slowly makes their way back to their classes. My eyes meet Spinner in the crowd. We make our way to each other.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked him.

"Your supposed boyfriend didn't get you those flowers. I overhead him talking to Aéro even tried giving him money. He didn't take it but agreed to do it obviously." He waited for my response.

"Spinner you don't have to lie to me to get me to break up with Josh. Out of everything you've done this is the lowest," I said feeling angry and confused.

"What reason do I have to lie to you. I wouldn't lie to you about something like this. Ask him for yourself," he said walking away just as Josh comes around the corner giving me a big hug from behind. I feel the anger boiling inside me. How could he ask Aéro to do that and why did Aéro agree to do that. Everything was just going back and forth in my head. Than he said the words that made me reach my breaking point. "What the fuck did he want?"

"You didn't get me those flowers. Than who did," I snapped at him. As I break free from our hug. He looked shocked that I had asked him.

"Did that bastard say something to you," he said raising his voice to me.

"That bastard told me the truth! How can I trust you? Answer my questions Josh ," I said with my both my hands in fist."

"So you trust him more than me! Aéro did. I tried to pay him for them but he didn't take it. What's the big deal. You got your fucking flowers didn't you," he argued back.

"No big deal. I guess being honest isn't important nowadays."

"Oh don't play like you're so innocent yourself. You have your best friend who supposedly kisses you plus saw you naked. Not to mention he's in love with you. A blast from the past that you can't stay away from and me trying to give my all but feels like I'm still in competition with them. We're together. That shit should of stopped when we wasn't together. What about that phone call in the car. Was you going to tell me about that," he huffed.

"I didn't know who it was! I was driving and had my Bluetooth in. You make it seem like I just want to talk to him all day. "

"Well since you have so much on your mind how about I take off some of the load. I think it's best we go on a break."

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