Chapter 18

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"If someone is lost and has one way back or has no ride back. They can summon their hover bike to their location. You just have to put your location into your commutators. Then the bike will come to you."

"That is cool." Lex said.

Then Lex let me and Timmy to finish up what we were doing. When we got done we headed to the look out or what some people call it caiman base. It is where the computers for the whole school and everything important is.

"Now we send this update to everyone's commutators. So everyone's commutators can have it." Timmy said. We sent to the program to everyone's commutators with one button.

*Bloom's POV*

I was studying with Sky when our commutators started to go off. I looked at it then to Sky. Sky then said,

"It is telling you it is upgrading. Meaning Timmy added something new to them."

"Okay. What do you think Timmy did?" I asked him.

"Don't know. Timmy usually keeps it a secret until the last minute. Meaning we don't know until that beep goes off." Sky told me.

"So wait. You guys don't know when he works on it right in this room?" I asked him.

"Nope. He works on so much things on that computer of his. We don't know the difference. He could be doing a program for fun, for a class, or for the school. We never know any more. Now he has Tecna here. We are like in the dark." Sky told me.

"Yeah. I bet. But let's see what he added new." I said picking up my commutator.

"Looks like it is a new thing for our hover bikes. We probably hear more about it at lunch. But I won't be surprise if some of the guys around here already trying to use it." He told me snickering.

I couldn't help but snicker too thinking about the guys messing up and everything. Then Sky and I went back to studying.

*Brandon's POV*

So was walking down the hallway looking for Stella. I was going to do something big. Mostly it was a question. But I was going to ask her in a big way. I then saw her talking to Flora and Lizzy. I walked up to them.

"Hello ladies." I said to them.

"Hey Brandon." Flora said to me.

Lizzy just stay quiet. She was our mouse at here. She is so small we sometimes don't know where she is. Also she is so quiet.

"Hello Brandon." Stella said to me.

"Stella, may I talk to you for a moment?" I asked her.

"Sure." She said looking over to Flora and Lizzy.

I then took her a side to talk to her. She looked at with wonder. This is the moment. I am just going for it. I then looked at her and put on my charm. I then asked her,

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