I turn around and meet his toned and muscular chest. His eyes shining bright, but his eyebrows are unrelaxed. The freckles on his cheekbones catch my attention and I giggle because I see them for the first time.

I almost forget his question and hesitate what to say. Struggling between saying the truth or telling a little white lie, I breath out.

"Just a bit stressed, with school and everything," I shrug, "it's no big deal, really."

He offers me a smile and nods,
accepting my answer.

"I can always help, you know that. You just have to ask."

I nod at him and let my hand float on the water, moving from the right to the left and seeing the water follow my directions.

When I am dozing off in a daydream and losing my thoughts, I feel a pair of hands sneaking around my waist and pulling me so I am turned around. Before I really comprehend what is happening, I feel lips on mine.

Elijah moves his lips against mine and out of sudden shock I push him away. I break the small spark and regret it when I see his fallen face.

I look down at my hands, avoiding his stare and clear my throat. Elijah inhales deeply.

"I-I am sorry, I just-," I try to excuse myself, "I am not ready I think."

With hurt evident in his grey eyes, Elijah nods and says it's okay. An awkward feelings lingers between and I long for it to dissapear.

"I should get back", I announce and walk away, not looking at him,
to ashamed of my actions.

Seated on my towel I fight the urge to cry. Out of frustration, anger and dissapointment I think. My body does not obey and all too soon, I feel tears wetting my cheeks.

I look around and sigh when seeing nobody is near and sees my crying. I shake my head and inhale deeply, enjoying the fresh air entering my lungs.

I fumble a bit and try to sit myself down the way I want. My eyes wander around and I see no Elijah.

Thinking about what happened, I realised it was the best. I did not want to and I do not want to fool him either, so we both could be relieved I pulled away.

I count to ten while breathing in and out. Staring to calm down, I wipe my tears away. I squint my eyes and see Elijah with Mason and Lauren,
three tiny little dots, because of the distance.

It was starting to get less crowded,
people leaving and making themselves ready for the evening that was yet to come.

I take my phone out of my bag,
after some searching and quickly unlock my phone, eager to know who texted me when I see a notification.

'Will be home late, get yourself something nice to eat. Put some money on the table. Have fun at the beach.
See you tonight.
- Mum.'


"See you guys later! Thanks for bringing me home," I say to my friends and shut the door after. They wave and drive away. Leaving the uncomfortable silence between me and Elijah, I turn around.

Relieved to be home again, I search for my keys and open the heavy door of our house. Welcomed by the smell it carries, I feel at ease again.

The hallway is completely dark and I struggle to find the light switch. Found, I turn it on and put my bag to next to the staircase.

Walking to the living room, I frown my eyebrows when I notice the lights are once again off. My mother always makes sure to leave a light on. Hands wandering over the wall where the switch is supposed to be, I find after a couple of seconds.

My eyes get used to the bright light of our lamping hanging on the ceiling, I let out a scream.

I am met by a couple of piercing eyes and a smirk. Harry is seating on the chair in the corner, on the other side of the quiet room.

My heart starts to beat faster immediately and the effect he has on me, has returned. He keeps looking at me, sitting relaxed with his hands leaning on his legs.

"What a-are you doing here?," I finally manage to stutter our after a minute of deep silence.

He does not answer,
his eyes still staring at me. Fumbling with his lips, his fingers touch them and he is focused on my shivering body. I clear my throat.

"How did you come in?" I try again.

Still no answer and instead of answering me, he gets out of the old, red chair and starts walking towars me. Slow, but big steps.

Ever so slowly, he reaches me and his presence his once again warming my entire body. He stands right in front of me, his body barely touching mine,
yet it was enough to make my weak in my knees.

With his eyes still staring into mine,
he opens his beautiful, shaped lips,
letting out a deep breath. Air spreading out over my face.

I close my eyes and try to breathe in and out slowly, but he makes it quite difficult for me to focus.

"I don't like it when somebody makes my angel cry."


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