Video 3: Denise

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No one really knew what to do after Ariel's video.

Denise felt awkward and unsure what to say.

She wanted to say something.

She knew exactly why Echo did this.

She was there that night.

She saw everything.

She tried to get help.

No one was around and Echo kept telling her everything was okay.

She should have told someone.

Thinking back, Denise realized she couldn't have done anything.

Denise knew that once Prom and Graduation grew closer, Echo became more depressed and knowing Echo's history, Denise knew Echo needed help.

Echo's past with depression and drugs and about her past with eating disorders was something Denise saw head on.

What else did she need to know?

Echo always told Denise that she valued her opinion because Denise was honest.

Dead honest.

Denise tried not to think about being DEAD honest because of this current situation.

Denise remembered those late night phone calls when Echo needed advice or needed someone to listen.

Usually Ariel was the one Echo called but every once in a while, Echo needed Denise.

Denise was the one person who everyone went to when they felt overwelmed by life.

Denise was a very religious person and her faith was one of the things can made Echo and her so close.

Echo needed guidence and Denise was there.

Watching as Lily and Baylee walked back into the living room with food, Denise remembered a conversation she had with Echo that week.

She was worried about Echo because of graduation coming up.

Prom was a disaster for Echo and Denise was scared.

She knew Echo had a lower than low self esteem and since she was dateless that year, her self esteem was worse.

She didn't respond to anyone's comments or anything.

She was completly shut off.

Not even Denise and Ariel could get her to listen.

Ariel, Sarah, and Denise had a plan to break her out of her rut.

They would phase an intervention.

It was all planned out.

"Okay, so we'll leave her a note on her locker. We'll have her come to Peterson's room." Denise said.

"Good." Everyone said in agreement.

"Who's going to start this?" Baylee asked.

"Sarah." Lily said.

Sarah knew this was a bad idea.

She knew Echo would feel suffucated and run but she smiled and went along.

The note was left on the locker and Echo seeing it and being curious walked down to the classroom and saw that no one was there.

Confused, she opened the door and saw everyone sitting in a circle in the center of the room.

Ariel, Denise, Baylee, Lily, Samantha, Sierra, Jenet, Lucas, and Sarah looked up when Echo entered.

"What's this about?" Echo asked already knowing the answer.

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