Video 9: Lucas

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If there was one person who was not going to cry during these videos it would be Lucas. Being the only male in the group of best friends made him the obvious choice for manly man. No tears. At least that was what everyone expected. However, when Echo appeared on the screen with her usual smile and offbeat hair, Lucas knew he was in for a lot of emotion.

With a slight smile on his face, Lucas looked into the dark eyes of his stage wife as she was known in the class. 

I know that you of all people are aware of how much you mean to me. I love you like a brother, Luc and even though we hated each other when we first met I know that without you in my life I wouldn't be the same. You're my stage hubby and my big brother and I love you so much. I know that the last conversation we had was bad but know that I'm sorry and hope you forgive me.

With a quick movement he wiped a tear away that was forming in the corner of his eye. He had to laugh at her mention of there first meeting. They hated each other. It wasn't until Lucas saw how weak Echo really was that he really started to trust her and soon they were closer than close. He was her protector and although she was more his errand girl than anything else Lucas knew she would always be there for him.

He was just sorry he wasn't there for her.

His mind flashed back to the one time he saw how broken she really was. 

Freshmen year. English 1. 

They had gone back and forth for what had seemed like the 100th time about a book the class was reading. However, as Lucas recalled, he had taken the debate one step too far.

March 2010

"So it's okay for you to tell me when I mess up but when someone comes at your neck it's wrong?! You're a hypocrite."

The entire class was silent. Echo had never spoken up before. Sure when she and Lucas had their little debates things got intense but she had never spoken up and told him off like this before. He really hit a nerve.

"What about you?! You're nothing but a know it all bitch who is all talk and no action. You're a loser. A fat. Stupid. Idiotic. Loser."

Jenet knew this was it. She watched as Echo grabbed her bag and ran from the classroom. It wasn't until Emmeline Marx, a friend of Echo's from the debate team turned to face Lucas. 

"You do know she hates the way she looks right? Why would you come at her about being fat? Like that's not cool. Ms. Renna, can I please check on Echo?"

Ms. Renna looked at Emmeline and than at Lucas. She knew from reading Echo's work how insecure she was and knew that Emmeline was concerned but she also could tell that Lucas felt bad so she compromised.

"Lucas, why don't you find Echo and apologize?"

The entire class looked at Lucas and waited for a response.

 "I'll go look." He replied grabbing his back and walking to the hall.

Searching the empty halls of this particular high school was a difficult thing especially when the person you were looking for was great at hiding. Lucas was not one for hide and seek.

After walking passed the locker room, Lucas stopped and realized the squeaking noise he heard was not a mouse but a person crying. 


Checking around to make sure no one saw him, Lucas opened the door and walked into the girls locker room.

"Echo." He whispered looking around nervous that someone would walk in and think he was a perv.

Turning a corner Lucas was shocked at what he saw; Echo knelling over the toilet with a toothbrush inches from her mouth.

Lucas had heard the rumors that Echo made herself sick to lose weight but he hadn't seen it for himself. This was a level of insanity he was not willing to get into.

"Echo!" He said raising his voice to stop her from making a mistake.

Turning to face him, Echo's big blue eyes cried. 

Lucas's stomache lurched in pain and anger. He really did this to her?

"Go away, Lucas. Leave me alone."

"I'm not going anywhere." he replied kneeling down to her level.

"Why not? I'm a joke. A loser. Right?"

He felt a pang in his chest hearing her talk like this. 

"I'm not leaving. I'm here."

He reached out and touched her shoulder. Turning to face him Echo fell into his arms crying.

In that moment I knew you were special. You actually gave a damn. From that moment you were a friend. My brother. Just know that whatever happened on prom night had nothing to do with you. You tried to stop me from going into the room and I didn't want to listen. I opened that door and know what I saw. Just know I don't blame you. You were there for me and no matter what happened you always were. I love you.

Looking up at the screen to hide his tears, Lucas smiled.

"I love you too."

I remember that day in the locker room like it was yesterday. We talked all day and you really listened. It was the first time I told anyone at Lincoln how I felt about my weight and about my family. You were the best guy friend I ever had and I will always appreciate everything you did for me. Thank you, Lu. 

Smiling he wiped his tears away.

"You're welcome."

I don't blame you for what happened that night. Remember that. Goodbye, Lucas.

"Goodbye, Echo."

With that last sentence the screen went black.

"So who's next?" Lucas asked wanting this to be over.

Sarah looked at the list and sighed.

"It's a special one. It's says 5."

Before the group could get ready to watch the final videos there was a knock at the door. 

"Who could that be?" Sarah asked walking across the room to answer the door. Standing on the other side with a look of remorse on his face was Anthony. 

"What the hell do you want?" Jenet asked.

"I want to see the end of this thing. I want to know if this was my fault. Please, Sarah. Can I stay?" 

Sarah looked at Ariel for help and Ariel nodded.

"Okay. You can stay but you don't speak, understand?" She said with a look of anger in her eyes.

"I understand." He said sitting on the couch by Jannell and Jackie. 

Taking a deep breath Sarah looked back at her sister's best friends. 

"You ready?" She asked.

All four friends nodded hoping that this would finally put an end to the questions. 

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