Video 2: Ariel

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I'm back! I'd like to thank all of you that lasted this long.

I can understand most of you are probably thinking what is she up to? Why am I here? Well sorry you're going to have to wait a little longer.

This video is for Ariel.

Everyone looked at Ariel who was making herself as close to comfortable as possible on the floor.

"I was waiting for this." Jackie said sarcastically.

"Do you ever shut up?!" Max asked.

"What? The last thing I want to do is sit through another one of these videos. This is all proof that Echo was a sick girl. She needed help and no one could get through to her. Now we have to sit through hours of her feeling sorry for herself. I'm not doing this. Goodbye." Jackie said standing up.

"I'm coming with you." Candy agreed as she followed.

"Of course the people that hurt her the most would run away." Sierra said smiling.

"Fine. I'll stay. Until I figure out why I'm here. Then I'm out." Jackie said sitting down next to Kimberly.

"Let's just get through this okay?" Denise asked irritated and worried about Ariel.

"Exactly." Sarah answered as she pressed play.

Now I don't want you guys getting all mad and thinking.

Great! She'll be going on and on about how great Ariel is and how much she appreciated her.

Well you're right. Ariel was my best friend and I will always be grateful to her. But this is also about the night. The night that brought all of us together today.

The reason I'm doing this. Sorry, Ariel. I need to tell them. They deserve to know.

As Ariel said those words her mind went back to a night. Not the night that Echo was refering to but another night. It was their junior year. Ariel remembered being on the phone with her. She was upset over Anthony and was depressed and wanted to talk. Ariel smiled as she thought back to hearing her friend laugh for what she realized may have been the last time.

(A year ago)

Things okay with you?" Ariel asked her friend.

"I guess. I'm gonna die alone, Ariel." Echo answered.

"No you're not. Look, one guy hurting you shouldn't have this effect on you." Ariel said hoping to talk some sense into her.

"It wasn't just one guy, A. It was THE GUY!" She yelled into the phone.

"I know, Echo. Just listen to me. Anthony was a good guy. Yes you guys cared about each other. Yes you may have fell for him but he wasn't ready for you. He couldn't do it. He wasn't the one. He obviously couldn't handle being with someone that loved him that much. Just try and move on. Trust me."

Echo sat on the edge of her bed and smiled.

"I do trust you. I just hate that I trusted him. I mean why wasn't I enough. Just me." She said trying to laugh her tears away.

"You need to stop blaming yourself. There were two of you. He messed up too. Just try to move on." Ariel said sipping her iced tea.

"I will. Promise. Besides this just gives me more of an excuse to get involved in your love life." Echo replied laughing.

"What love life?" Ariel asked smiling.

"Jack!" Echo answered.

"Nothing there to talk about. He's my friend. That's all." Ariel replied laughing.

"Not if I can help it." Echo answered laughing.

"What does that mean?" Ariel asked.

"I have my ways. I may have no luck with my love life but I am great at fixing other people's." She laughed.


Ariel smiled as she remembered. It was almost a month later that Echo was back to her old self.

Happy and laughing with Jenet and Denise in class. Life seemed better.

Then that night. The night that would bring everything to an end.

The end of Echo's life apparently. Ariel thought as she remembered.

Ariel, I want you to know you have no reason to think that you had anything to do with what I did.

I did this because  needed to.

You told me over and over again not to do it.

I didn't listen.

I love you so much.

All those late night calls about ONE DIRECTION.

We had an amazing 3 years together.

Sorry i didn't make it.

Nothing you could have done or said would have changed my mind. I never had any friends in middle school.

Ask Sarah. She knows. I found something so amazing in you.

You were my best friend. I will never be able to thank you for everything you did for me.

You put up with all my drama and my problems and loved me in spite of it. I know I lost your trust when I did what I did that night. I know you warned me.

You told me to let it go. Move on and go home with you and Denise.

Maybe I should have listened.

I know I didn't take much of your advice on anything but I loved you for it.

I know Sarah was sick and all you guys wanted was to go home but I had to.

I'm so sorry. You will never know how sorry I am. Please take care of Sarah.

Please. She needs someone like you. I couldn't be that person for her. I was too selfish. Please. For me? I know you're probably laughing thinking is she insane?

Well I guess I am. Anyway have a great life. Become an actress.

Move to England and marry Harry for me.

Wuv you, A. Goodbye bestfriend.

And with that the video went black.

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