Me and My Coworker's Roommate

Start from the beginning

As soon as Gus gets to the stairway, Vector leaps forward and tackles him down the stairs. Tumbling down on each stone hard step, they were in a struggle with each other. It was like a wrestling match between an unfit Sumo and a redhead hooligan. Gus manages to put up a fight for Vector at the bottom floor, but it didn't take long since Vector had the training as a security guard - it totally paid off.

A few days later

News Anchor: This just in on channel 14 news, a landlord has made a funny discovery of these stolen credit cards after these 2 roommates had reported them. One of them goes by the name Vector Sydney, and he says,

"We have this roommate who happens to stash all of these under his couch. Every time I pass by it, it keeps piling up like unwashed dishes." 

Police had already detained culprit, Gus Watt - placing him in jail for at least 3 weeks before his hearing in court. As for prosecutors, they fine Gus Watt with multiple criminal charges under battery, burglary, and larceny.

*Eli and Vector watches tv within the nice, clean living room of their apartment*

The End

Reflection & Analysis
Almost all of us have the mindset of a kind forgiving heart like Eli Lenard sometimes, but there are going to be times when we need to learn how to stop baby-sitting others. Truly, some people like Gus Watt will not learn how to grow up if they don't do it on their own. For instance, washing your own clothes or getting a part-time job somewhere, doesn't hurt to try. People like Vector Sydney are considered the major catalyst to many people's lives. They are the coaches in our lives that want to motivate others by first breaking them down, and then building them back up. You may not get to see any scene between Vector's and Gus's character development, but you do get to see where Vector says "Oh yea let's make this place as twice as greasier than before." From looking at this scene, Vector had another solution in mind, but was quickly changed when Eli took him outside. As the writer, I was hoping to give Vector another suggestion on job opportunities, but I felt focusing more on the outside the apartment scene between him and Eli played a more critical role to the plot of the story, where it begins to lead into the details of the multiple credit cards.

In clarification to all things of this short story, there is nothing wrong to help others. What I'm saying is, it's okay to help others for the first few times, when they have no clue of the subject matter, but when someone clearly has been doing the same thing over and over again, and still they require assistance; you have to let them know they need to do it themselves.

To clarify, this doesn't apply to those with special conditions or of old age. Be a gentleman/gentle woman to help them out when they are of need! Also, to those of adolescent age, still obey your parents, seriously, don't treat them like independent individuals until you are fully mature yourself.

I know some of you may also want bring up the red flag ⛳️ that was drawn on the basis of Gus Watt's character. Again, to clarify, just because you are fat doesn't mean you are lazy. I'm kinda fat myself if you ask, but I'm a hard working older brother who takes his siblings to their schools, while still going to 2 community colleges. What's important is the message that is being relayed, which is to stop nurturing the lazy to be more lazier.

Lastly, the least topic I touched in this story was about stealing. In simple terms, you shouldn't be taking stuff from others, that isn't yours in the first place. Therefore, justice was served to Gus since he had committed actus reus, and mens rea. Actus reus is the action or conduct that is a constituent element of a crime, as opposed to the mental state of the accused. Whereas mens rea is the intention or knowledge of wrongdoing that constitutes part of a crime, as opposed to the action or conduct of the accused.

___________________________________Moral of the Story

Stop-babysitting people so that they can develop themselves, learn how to take care of yourself, and don't steal!

Similar Stories to the Bible

*Kings James Version*

Ephesians 4:28

Let him who stole steal no more, but rather let him labor, working with his hands the thing which is good, so that he may have something to give to him who needs.

Psalm 62:10

Trust not in oppression, and become not vain in robbery; if riches increase, do not set your heart on them.

Proverbs 21:25

The desire of the slothful killeth him; for his hands refuse to labour.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2017 ⏰

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