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"got so much to lose. got so much to prove. god, dont let me lose, my mind."

17. trouble
day XVII: the curious case of finn wolfhard

recap of last night: finns pov.

jack and I entered the house once again, exhausted but, never too tired to see our girls. norah, specifically. she's just...her.

I dunno, lately ive been craving her presence no matter what emotional state I'm in at the time. whether I'm happy, sad, angry, mad. just the simple sighting of her makes it all go away.

so, after dropping my fairly blood-stained duffel bag onto the ground, I lug my tired body up the large, tile-floored staircase.

once I made it to the top, I sluggishly stomped down the hall and to norahs room. my pale hand pressed against the wooden door as I gave it a light push, allowing myself to enter the dark room fully.

the lights were turned off so, I cut them on. but, I regret doing so immediately. there's a lot of things in this room, none being norah, though. the mess ranged from broken glass, to dirty laundry, to messy sheets and the thick aroma of alcohol.

instantly after viewing this unusual sight, my heart began to thump harshly against my ribcage. the sound of my beating heart being the only thing that filled my ears currently. I could now feel my eyes begin to water the more I thought of the worst possible explanation for this horrific scene.

then, the sense of worriedness and concern now transformed into frustration and pure anger. I needed answers. and I needed them now. so, wasting no time at all, I snatched the emergency pistol I kept in my back pocket and gripped the small weapon tightly in my hands.

I then turned on my heel and now made my way out of the room and back down the stairs, looking for one person and one person only. paul. if anyone knew anything about happens in this house at any time, its paul.

once I reached his room, I kicked open the door, breaking the lock entirely. the anger that now filled my body distracted me from the pain.

as soon as busted open the door, pauls head immediately snapped up from his paperwork to me in two point five seconds. he now wore a worried and more so, guilty expression on his face.

"where is she?" I asked, my voice low and deadly. "ms. banks? I could've sworn she was upstairs. did you double check?" he asked me, offering a sly smile.

so, I exhaled deeply, closing my eyes in the process, trying my ultimate best to remain calm. "paul...ive had a long fucking night, and all I want to do is come home and say hi to my girlfriend. but, I cant and you know why? because shes not fucking here. so, please, before I have to resort to actually fucking murdering your wife and kids, do the smart thing, and just tell me where she is." I explained to him, no longer having the energy to fuss.

paul then exhaled deeply, mimicking my actions and closing his eyes. "she and ms. sink left about a couple hours ago to meet some friends. then, they came back about two or so hours ago, drunk and loud, and-"

"and you let them leave!" I yelled at him, the anger I previously held inside, came back in an instant. my sudden change in voice caused paul's body to jump. "I-I'm so sorry, sir. I would've stopped them but, she hasn't seen friends her age in so long and-" "get your keys." I ordered the man, whose eyes now open wide.

"what?" he asked, clearly unsure if what I said was real. "i said, get your fucking keys, paul. and when you do, were going to get in your truck and rive around all fucking night If we have to, until we find norah. and we don't find her, I will personally, shoot your wife in the head while your children watch."

I informed the man, now turning on heel again, exiting out of the room.


three twenty-five in the morning. weve been driving around town for over four hours, desperately searching for norah and Sadie. mostly, norah. I bit down on my, alrighty short fingernails as my leg shook vigorously up and down. my dark eyes now stared out the tinted windows of paul's tuck as he drove, tiredly.

I knew he was tired and didn't deserve to be punished for Norah's actions but, I just cant risk anything. not after...

"you see anything, sir?" paul's deep and shaken voice, causing me to snap out of my thoughts. "no." I answered, simply.

and just when I began to give up on finding her, an interesting sight comes into my peripheral vision. I see a group of young girls, four I believe, all giggly and drunk appearing. but one, one blonde, one girl stood out to me.

she wore a short jeans shirt with a dark strapless top, her short pale hair, falling just above her shoulders as her and the red head next to her, share a laugh. it was norah. I knew it was.

"stop the car!" I yelled at paul, holding my hand out. his eyes widened as his foot stomped onto the break swiftly, causing the truck to come to a sudden holt.

and just as I jumped out the car, to snatch norah, she passed out onto the floor, blacking out completely.

hide and seek // finn wolfhardTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang