16 | dieciseis

254 16 4

16 | dieciseis

The next morning, Florencia had been called out of her Korean classes by her manager. He had informed as he walked to his office that the company had another business offer that she might be interested in. She sat at the desk, across from him, and he immediately began to explain what exactly the company was trying to do. "So we've noticed how you and your sister have a youtube channel, and though you don't post very often, we saw that you got a steady amount of views." 

The twenty year old nodded in agreement. Her younger sister Acacia was the youtube star. Florencia had only made a channel to post occasional videos, but her main concern and focus was her acting career and her modelling career. But by now she knew SM Entertainment well. They knew that they were always looking for new ways to rake in money, even if their idols didn't want to be involved in whatever it was. Florencia already knew what was coming, and she knew she didn't want to be a part of it. She already had a lot on her plate and the last thing she wanted was to commit to something she wasn't interested in.

"We want to give you a web show." He informed her with excitement. Though that excitement did not reach the former Miss Universe. "It will be sponsored and produced by the company, and it will be called Kkot's Diary. You will be required to carry around a camera at all hours and on Saturday afternoons, our team will edit and decide what will be broadcast. How's that sound?"

He looked to her for a reaction, but her face was unreadable. For a moment, the first thought that popped into her mind was, You wanna know how that sounds? It sounds like shit, to be honest, and I don't wanna do this. I didn't want to go on that stupid diet. I didn't want to move to Korea. I wanna go back home to Mexico where I was truly happy and wasn't made to feel insecure about myself.  But it took all of her willpower not to say anything. The company practically owned her for the next few months and she had to do everything they asked of her. Her mother--who was also her manager--thought it was a good idea to expand her career over Asia. But it seemed that she hadn't understood just how much sacrifice her daughter would have to make.

She heaved a sigh. "Do I have a choice, really?"

A hand went up to her forehead, feeling a headache coming on. It was due to the lack of food she had been started on that morning. Florencia's breakfast consisted of one apple and two egg whites. She was starving, she was tired, and she was dizzy. But her doctor had informed her that the first few days would be the hardest because she had to train her body to take in less food.

Her manager didn't respond, and that alone gave her an answer. It was like the saying she knew in her native language. A person who kept quiet didn't have to speak because sometimes the answer was obvious. Florencia grew a bit irritated, also being due to her lack of food intake. But she didn't think it was necessary to drag her out of her Korean class to tell her that. They could have just sprung it on her and it wouldn't have made a difference.

For her first video, she was given a sheet with instructions. She was to film a How Well Does My Boyfriend Know Me? segment in which she would ask Sehun questions. He had given her another two sheets for the next week's videos in advance. One was My Boyfriend Does My Make-Up, while the week three video would be My Boyfriend vs. My Sister--Who Knows Me Best? Florencia rolled her eyes at the fact that they were putting Sehun in every video, probably to gain more views. In addition to that, she was required to film her entire week, but it would all be pointless because the fans would only get to see about five percent of the footage.

She left the office and made her way back to her study session with the papers in hand when she ran into the girls of Red Velvet. She had been looking down at her feet, touching her forehead again dizzily when she collided into their leader. 

México || 세훈Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang