A deep breath


She opened her eyes quickly and she looked at the number in front of her eyes.

She laughed with a shook.

"Luck and me? This is new" She laughed as she grabbed the dress.

She went to direction cashpoint with fast steps, she NEEDED to wear this dress as soon as possible!

When she arrived at the cashpoint she checked the line.

She had some people in front of her.

"Good, some thinking time"

She thought with a smile.

"I wonder what he would think about this dress."

Firstly she felt shocked about this thought, but then she just laughed it off.

Then, she tried to remember his look; 

Upright black-grey hair.

The frisure...was kinda hard to remember...

The middle of the sides was grey....the first part of the upright was...black ?And the rest was bla-grey. 

Ouh she got it.

The memory of him made her cheeks go red.


Then she stopped in shock of her own thought.

"GURLL you don't even know him!!"

She shook her head to get rid of the thoughts.

-Miss, it's your turn. 

The cashier was smiling.

-Oh, Yes, Sorry,

Sarah laughed as she handed the dress to the cashier.

-A beautiful choice.

Sarah smiled brightly, the thought of her Dress made her blush.

-Thank You!

-How do you want to pay, Miss? 

-Oh, umm, with credit card.But could you please tell me how much I have on it? 

She handed the card to the cashier.

The panic in her was raising. She totally forgot about that! Her secret life organizer left her without money these days.

She bit her underlip. The last time she had only 100 dollars on it, which wasn't enough for the dress!

-Sure, Miss

She took the credit card.

Then she turned the credit card machine to Sarah.

-You pin, please.

-Yeah sure.

With shaking hands, she typed the pin.

2011.The year she turned 10. 

She wouldn't choose this pin If it was left to her, but the secret human being wanted it to be 2011 so, eh.

The Cashiers eyes opened big like a ball and she looked at Sarah with a shook, she moved the machine to Sarah's direction without saying anything.

10000 dollars.


Sarah tried to hide her shock. How could she or he have so much money?

The cashier handed her bag.

-Have a nice day Miss.


She left with quick steps.


Some already went to their room, but Hakeem didn't yet. He exactly knew that he wouldn't sleep yet.He let his eyes glide through the living floor to see who was left.

"Wow when did everyone leave"

He started to feel guilty about being the only one who didn't try sleeping.

Only Brian aka protective shield was left.He looked serious and cool af but he was really sweet when you got to know him.

-Well, are you excited for tomorrow Keem? 

He asked without looking at him. He was doing something which Hakeem didn't understand so he didn't question it. 

-To be honest, Yes. If Zacky freaks out about it like this, it will have to be special.How about you?

-Hmm well. For me, it will be a classical mission with higher standards. 

He looked up at Hakeem this time.

-Too cool for excitement eh? 

Hakeem said with a relaxed smile

-I never said that but you know...umm 

Brain laughed and Hakeem joined him.

-Eh anyway, Imma head to sleep. Goodnight Bri Bri. 

He said knowing that this would piss Brian off.

He jumped the basement up to his room and when he saw his bed, he felt a sudden heaviness on his eyelids. 

"This time we are gonna meet probably" 

Was the last thing he thought before he had thrown himself on his bed.




The last chapter has reached the reading goal in 2 days !!! That's soo awesome thank you <3

I'm hoping the same and even more for this chapter. ^-^

-What do you think about Brian ?

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