My Precious Angel & A New Friendship

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Chuuya was running around in his mothers garden. He kneeled down and picked some flowers as he wanted to make Kouyou a flower crown for when she had came back from her mission. Chuuya was 6 years old now. He had been with Kouyou a full year and she was the best mother he had ever had. So Chuuya often loved to show his appreciation for his mother. Chuuya was picking sun flowers. Those were his mothers favorite. He smiled happily as he picked them. 


Chuuya looked back to see Megumi as she walked over to him. 

“It’s time for dinner and Madame Kouyou is home.” Megumi smiled. 

Chuuya smiled and he ran off into the brothel. Kouyou wasn’t suppose to be home until tomorrow. But she figured she’d surprise Chuuya early. Chuuya ran to the living room and he smiled when he saw Kouyou sitting on the couch. 

“Mama!” Chuuya yelled excitedly as he ran and jumped on Kouyou. She laughed as she wrapped her arms around the small child and littered his tiny face with kisses. All over his cheeks, forehead, eyes, and she gently placed the last one on the top of his head. 

“Someone missed me.” Chuuya nodded smiling up at his mother. 

“Ah. Wait here Mama.” Kouyou looked at Chuuya confused as he jumped down. He ran up stairs to his room to receive all the flowers crowns he made for each day Kouyou was gone. Chuuya sprinted back down stairs and he went over to Kouyou. 

“Mama close your eyes.” 

She smiled and listened to the small child’s demand. Chuuya put a flower crown on the top of her head and then put the rest in her lap. 

“Okay open!” 

Kouyou opened her eyes and she looked at her lap seeing all the flower crowns. She smiled and grabbed Chuuya hugging him tightly. 

“Thank you Chuuya. I love them.”  

Chuuya smiled and hugged his mother back just as tight. She pulled him back looking at him and she brushed the hair out of his face. 

“Chuuya I need you to be on your best behavior tonight. We are having guests for dinner.” 


Kouyou nodded. “Remember how I told you about Mori-san? Him and his kids are coming for dinner tonight. And we need to talk a few things over so I need you to be a good boy okay?” 

Chuuya nodded. Not too long after the doorbell chimed. 

Kouyou stood up. “Ah that must be them.” 


Dinner had actually went smoothly. Chuuya was pretty nervous about dinner as he still had no idea how to control his ability yet. And Kouyou and the women in the brothel had worked very hard to keep his ability a secret. They really wanted Chuuya just to be a normal child like he was now. So he was overjoyed his emotions didn’t reflect on the objects in the room. Since they were finished now Kouyou told Chuuya to get ready for bed. Chuuya nodded. And Mori told his children until they were done talking to watch TV in the living room. 

Chuuya had started making his way up stairs. When he made it to the top step he walked down the long hallway and into his bedroom. Chuuya gently closed the door and he started to take off his play clothes and slip into his pajamas. Chuuya then walked back out of his room and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth before bed. But when he walked into the bathroom Chuuya was met with a boy around his age. He was covered in bandages. He had a bandage over his left eye, one on his cheek, they were wrapped around his arms, and he had one on his knee. He had wavy brunette hair, and his one almond eye stared into Chuuya’s sapphire eyes. Chuuya blushed violently and he slammed the door closed.  

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