No Worth and No Weight

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After leading the humans into Caesar's tree house at arrow-point, Haley watched with shameful satisfaction as he snapped for Malcolm to leave his home, but that didn't change the feeling in her gut about the importance of him listening to them, the feeling only amplifying under pride when Caesar sent her an annoyed glance. She wanted to speak out and voice the strange inkling she had, but she knew better after seeing the disappointment glossing over his eyes. Nevertheless, her equanimity gained more than an unsure cause when she saw Ellie's attention flicker to Cornelia's heaving and sickly figure, only to be expected from the hoarse breathing that practically enveloped the room. Haley's eyes widened when realization struck: that was why she knew Ellie had to go there – somewhere in Haley's twisted mind, she kept wondering about her love's female and her health, but she was oddly relieved about it too, happy that prejudice and loathing didn't even exist subconsciously towards Cornelia.

"I have medicine." Ellie said, careful not to speak too loud or fast in case they'd be sent away again, "Antibiotics." Haley could see the hope flicker in Caesar's otherwise glossy and tired eyes, lids red from the sorrow he was enduring to look strong, but still she couldn't miss the resistance burn inside of him, impossible after how long she had known him.

"Maybe she can help." Malcolm suggested, and Haley silently pleaded for Caesar to agree. Studying Cornelia's limp and dazed state, Haley knew it was the ape's last chance – she could only pray that Caesar would put aside what had happened at the dam and would realize this, too.

"Do not... trust you." Caesar grunted out, however, destroying her dream of everything going her way without a fight.

"Then trust me." Haley announced behind the two humans, her voice shaky despite her determination to intervene, but even after Luca huffed at her side as some odd warning for her to stay out of it, she simply lowered her bow and slipped the arrow back into its quiver so she could sign out of Ellie and Malcolm's understanding, "Please, Caesar, you know you don't have much of a choice here." Though, despite her efforts, they only took a small leap to know what she said when Caesar's eyes narrowed and he turned away to mull over her words, studying his wife to confirm Haley's affirmation. Alas, unbothered by Blue Eyes' silent pleas for him to dismiss them, he had no choice but to step aside in order to save them, and seeing him clear the path was all the que Ellie needed to quickly move to the side of the nest, shrug off the backpack, and scavenge through the bag for what she needed.

For a second, Haley felt a pleasant familiarity with the woman's actions, reminded of when she used to visit Caesar with her bag off odd toys and trinkets, but the fond recollection quickly shattered when her heart darkened at those simple words, "One day." Even Ellie seemed surprised, her head snapping up from her hunt for supplies to stare at Caesar in disbelief, but her thought of having heard wrong was denied when he added against his own desires, "You stay one day."

"Father, no." Blue Eyes signed briskly, as if somehow connected with the horror that filled Haley.

That was not what she wanted at all, she thought – that was taking it too far. Immediately, her face contorted in disgust, Carver's similar expression coming to mind from when he found out about her relationship with one of the apes; she couldn't blame him, as it wasn't exactly common, but she'd do anything not to see his stupid face again.

"We may need a little more ti—"Malcolm tried to bargain, but only to get petrified at Caesar's retaliation. "One day!" The King barked again, though Haley was too appalled by the situation to get startled by his exclamation as well, even if she couldn't help but be relieved when he calmed and continued, "Ape will help."

"On one condition," Haley hissed out of turn, all eyes immediately falling on her, including Caesar's wordless caution for her to keep quiet. She knew she wasn't in any place to make decisions for the village, and after her choice earlier, she was already on thin ice, but it was like word-vomit pushing against the back of her throat, her fury too much for her to resist. "On one contention," She repeated in a yell, "you leave that bastard, Carver, out of all of this!"

"Haley!" Caesar finally barked furiously at her, and this time, his warning cut deep, making Haley flinch back in shock and back into her place. Yet, it took only a second for her eyes to dim thanks to his demand, jaw clenching in anger. Her words really carried no weight for the colony, she realized – it was strange how she felt caged in a society of people who despised the mere notion. She knew she was lucky to be allowed to live there at all, but being lucky mean nothing for her worth. Whether it was honor or hurt that compelled her, Haley wasn't sure, but she tisked in annoyance before whisking around and storming out of the home, finally having enough and unknowingly leaving Caesar to watch her in terrified astonishment, Luca and Blue Eyes looking no different. It was unlike her, they thought with worry, but it was Luca who ultimately gave Caesar an apologetic glance for not staying and followed after her, at least settling his leader's unease for a while.

Another chapter done; I hope you all enjoy it at least a little bit. Don't forget to comment and keep me busy, hehe.

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