08 - stark naked

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     I was a pussy.

     While most girls stripped to their bra and undies, I chose to keep my tank top in place. I didn't have the best rack to show off, I admit. And I knew it was in the middle of the summer, meaning that no one was currently dying out of hypothermia, but I wanted to hold on to my last piece of dignity as I possibly could.

     Not saying that everyone naked had lost their dignity. More like I was asserting that nudity was everyone's strength but still my weakness.

     I guess I threw myself under the bus with this one.

     Since Chris left on his own devices, currently in the pool with two girls around his arms, I was left with Wyatt again. 

     But it might be a bad thing this time.

     Wyatt had discarded his shirt and his pants on the ground, wearing nothing but boxers that showed little to no imagination of what was underneath. I gulped, knowing that even though we hadn't done it during our time together, it didn't mean I hadn't thought of it in the following years that had gone by.

     I had a strong feeling that he was thinking about it as well, as he stared at my bare legs and exposed neck and arms and just every bit of skin he could lay his eyes on. His eyes got darker. Mysterious.

     Someone coughed.

    "Why are you guys naked?" Landon slurred, looking between us with furrowed eyebrows.

     Christ. Whatever he took, it hadn't fully washed off, even after the help of McDonalds. But at least he was forming coherent sentences now. "Landon, I know this is very late for me to ask, but what the hell happened to your shirt?"

     His nose scrunched up. "Someone stole it when I was trying to water a plant."

     Wyatt and I blinked at him.

    "What should we do with him?" I hissed. 

     We couldn't leave him in the car unattended. We didn't know what he took, and I didn't want him to suddenly pass out... or worse.

     Wyatt exhaled slowly, his calculating eyes at work. "Strip his pants and put him near the corner of the poolside where it's less crowded. Grab what's left of Chris's burger and some water and place it on his lap—he might get hungry again." He paused. "I'm worried that if we leave his jeans on, people will want to strip him themselves." I shuddered at the thought. "At least like this, he won't attract any attention. He'll fit in. And he'll likely stay there—he'll be too tired to walk, and he'll eventually get off whatever high he's been snorting."

     It sounded good enough.

     So the two of us—quite awkwardly—stripped what was left of him, with Landon's lack of protests. But a bad feeling made its way to my stomach. Surely we could do something better than to just leave him alone like the way we found him?

     Wyatt noticed my hesitation. He called out to Chris, who was in viewing distance. "Hey! Would you mind looking after him for a while?!"

    "I'm not your bitch, Harrington!"

    "Chris! Seriously!"

     He rolled his eyes but ended up giving a thumbs-up anyway.

     I had to trust Wyatt's trust on him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2021 ⏰

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