“Uh huh…”

“And she bought these beautiful pink roses the next day.” Camila said dreamily, “Did I mention that they were pink?”

Ally laughed, “I should’ve known that’s what made you fall in love with her, you’re a sucker for anything remotely pink!”

“N-not true!” Camila pouted, “But to be fair, they were nice roses.”

“Because they were pink.”

“Whatever.” Camila said, taking a sip of her coffee.

“What’s she like anyway? This Lauren girl.” Ally asked, leaning forward onto the table in interest.

“Lauren? Where do I begin?” Camila paused to think, “Well for starters, she’s sweet and caring.”

Tears surged in her eyes when she finished reading the last sentence of the book. She hiccupped slightly and placed down the book to reach over the table for a tissue.

“Oh my god, are you crying?” The raven haired girl had entered the room in the search for her missing left sock but had instead found her girlfriend sitting on the bed and bawling her eyes out.

“I-It’s beautiful!” Camila wailed loudly, wiping her tears.

“What’s beautiful, honey?” Lauren asked softly, sitting down on the space beside the brunette.

Camila pointed to the book beside her, Lauren chuckled.

“It’s only a book, Camila. Fiction.”

“I-I know b-but-“ Camila felt like she was choking, “H-He promised! and then they kissed in the rain b-but in the end, he couldn’t- he lost the battle with cancer!”

Lauren embraced the still sobbing Camila, “It’s okay, Camz.” She stayed in that position until Camila calmed down a few minutes later.

“That kiss in the rain was so romantic.” Camila mumbled, “It’s such a shame things like that only happen in books and movies, it was so perfect.”

“I guess so.”

“Don’t you want to experience a kiss like that, Lo?”

“Wouldn’t you just catch a cold from staying out in the rain?”

“Lauren!” Camila pulled away and slapped her girlfriend gently on the shoulder, “You’re no fun.”

Lauren laughed and checked the time, she had to leave now or she would be late for work. “I have to get to work now so I’ll see you tonight?

“Okay, bye Lo.” Camila sighed a little as Lauren quickly pecked her on the forehead and left. She picked up the book again and reread the kiss scene one last time before she too, left for work.


“You have a visitor, ma'am.” Her assistant entered her office with a smile.

“I do?” Camila looked up from her work, “Send them in, please.”

“Will do.” She left, closing the door behind her. Camila continued to type into her computer.

The door opened again shortly after.

“Hey there.”

Camila smiled at the voice she knew all too well. She looked at the door and her smile widened at the sight.

“Shouldn’t you be at work?”

“Is that how you greet someone who sneaked out of work just to see her girlfriend?” Lauren pouted, entering the small office.

She's the One (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now