chptr 17

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I look down at Xavier in confusion. He just said he would completely submit to me. He must be saying that just to say it right. To prove a point? 

"Caden, you make me weak. I cannot control it. You must do it." he says looking down at the floor. I can feel my body tense up from the sudden information. He really is submitting to me. Xavier the big bad wolf. I cant believe this. This is too good to be true. I look back down at him.

"Xavier get up." I whisper not wanting him down there anymore. He gets up and looks down at me but never looking me in the eye. That hurts.

"Look at me." I say. I look for the direct eye contact. He doesnt say anything. He just looks away.

"Its hard. Caden. When I look at you, especially in the eye, it makes my legs want to give out. The control that King has, like the roughness. I no longer have that." He says. "Its so difficult to explain. But just know that whatever you tell me to do, I will have no choice but to do it."

"Look me in the eye Xavier." I say looking at him waiting. He sighs and looks dead at me. His eyes start to tear up a little. I can feel my eyes widen at that. 

He quickly wipes his eyes and looks away again. "Im sorry" He says and looks down.

"Sorry for what?" I ask. My eyes never leaving him. 

"Im sorry for this. I just love you so fucking much and I cant control these feelings. I used to control everything after I left you and your mom. Before I could barely, now I really cant." He says looking at me again. I dont even know what to say. He felt like this before? But me? Why me? "Im scared that if I do something wrong you will leave me. I dont want that Cay. If that happend I wouldnt know how to live." He finishes. 

"Dont think like that. Im just a girl." I say.

"But a girl, that I love with all of my heart." He whispers and smiles a little soft smile down at me. All of this information is so confusing. But I know that what he is saying is that he loves me, alot.

"I love you Xavier." I say smiling up at him, to see his looking away. But when I say that his head whips toward mine and he looks shocked. "Stop looking like that and kiss me" I say pulling him slightly closer. And he has no problem kissing me, thats forsure. The feeling of his lips on mine is almost rare. So i try and savor the feeling. The softness and the warmth. I love it so much.

Suddenly I get this great idea. Xavier stood here and expressed so much to me, he deserves something more from me. I slightly smile. And I kiss him harder and deeply. I feel him moan into the kiss and that definitely sent tingles down to my woman hood.  I quickly push him on the the bed and climb on top of him. He grabs my waist and steady me and kisses me again. When I kiss him longer and longer I can start to feel the desperation in the kiss. Especially coming from him. 

I pull away from him, or at least try to. As I pull away he follows me and keep our lips connected. But I take my hands and push him down, and I swear I saw a pout but he quickly recovers and just lays his head back down and bites his lip.

"Are you ready?" I ask him smiling down at him.

"Ready for what?" He asked. His deep voice surprises me.

"To have some fun of course. Stay still right here okay?" I say and I start to get off of his lap. I see him nod and he stays put. I dont know what happened. But when he said he is submitting to me, I just got alot more confident. 

As soon as I get off of him I grab his grey sweat pants. I can feel him flinch when I touched him, maybe because of the sudden contact. I pull them down along with his boxers. And I see it. Holy shit. 

"Are you sure about this?" He barely says.

"So sure" I say. I grab him and start licking my lips. 


AHAhaHAhaHahahaHAH am I evil?

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