"That reminds me, Jennie's birthday is on the 30th." Nayeon remembered, propping on a couch pillow. "What do you guys plan to get her?"

The boys pondered for a moment. Johnny answered first. "I don't think I know what she'd like. What does she like?"

"She likes stuffed animals. I think I'm the only one who knows that of her." She giggled slightly.

"Then, I'll get her a Hello Kitty animal. With like a gift card, or something." Johnny scratched his neck. "What are you getting her?"

"It's this big book about vocal training and stuff. She talked about it one day." She crossed her legs. "It's coming soon."

Taeyong blocked out their conversation, wondering what to get Jennie. He still hardly knew her at this point, and felt bad he didn't really know. He supposed he could ask Nayeon if she had any books she wanted, but it wasn't enough. He wanted to know exactly what she wanted.

His parents came out from the kitchen, all giddy and smiley. The three noticed this and raised an eyebrow.

"Are you guys already drinking?" Nayeon asked, turning her body towards the two adults.

Mrs. Lee shook her head. The two took a seat on the other couch. "No, we were just having conversation with Jennie. She's such a pleasant girl."

"She kept asking about stories of you as a child." His dad remarked, pointing at his son. "She was really interested."

"Where is she now?"

"Finishing dessert. After she's done, we're going to show everybody our picture albums." Mrs Lee folded her hands in an excited matter.

"Oh, boy." Taeyong said to himself. "Time for the cringe-fest."

Jennie trailed in the living room soon after, drying off her clean hands. Mrs. Lee already had the picture album in her hands, ready to start. Jennie took a seat next to Nayeon and Mrs. Lee.

"So, this page is when Taeyong's sister was born." Mrs. Lee pointed out. "I miss my baby." She sighed to herself. Mr. Lee rubbed her shoulder in comfort.

The doorbell rang, interupting picture time. Taeyong himself got up and went to answer the door. In front of him was his older sister, standing out in the cold.

"Oh my god," he said in excitement. He let his sister in before giving her a huge hug. "I thought you weren't coming for Christmas?"

"Well, surprise!" She held her hands up and glee. She took off her boots and coat. The rest of the household came to see what Taeyong was taking so long. Her parents saw their daughter and rushed down.

They exchanged loving hugs and greetings, accompanied with questions of her sudden appearance. Johnny took a familiar greeting with her as well, giving her a nice warm hug.

"My, you're so much different, Johnny."

"There may have been a lot of workouts involved throughout the last time I saw you." Johnny bragged, popping his collar. Johnny was known to have a bit of a crush on Yuna when he was younger. It disappeared when he got older and when she had gotten into a serious relationship with her now husband.

Yuna playfully rolled her eyes. She glanced up the stairs and saw two young ladies who she had never seen.

"Oh, hello. Who might you two be?"

"My name is Im Nayeon." Nayeon greeted.

"I'm Kim Jennie." Jennie greeted.

"Are these two your girlfriends?" Yuna asked with surprise.

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