Chapter 29

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     Freya found Kusy after breakfast where she was standing at at window, watching Amidia. Soon, the entire city—the entire country would hear what Juliet had done. Kusy was relishing the last moments of utter peace when Freya tapped on her shoulder.

     "I see you're wearing what I made you," she said with a nod at Kusy's outfit.

     Kusy spread her arms to look down at herself. "You knew that the people of Brind wear purple for weddings."

     Freya nodded, a warm smile making the corners of her eyes wrinkle. "I did. I hoped you'd wear it today. It looks wonderful on you."

     "Thank you," Kusy said. "I have never worn this color. I find it suits me."

     Freya beamed, patting Kusy's shoulder. "You should wear it more often—it brings out your eyes. Now, I've been asked to make a royal gown for the queen and a matching outfit for the king, so I must be off. Best of luck to you, Princess."

    "And to you." Kusy inclined her head and watched as Freya bustled off down the hall. Coming the other way was the King and Queen of Trilea, both of whom waved and grinned at Kusy. She returned the gesture but stayed at her place by the window, knowing that they'd want some time to themselves. She wondered where they were going—she'd already seen Krow running to the dungeons, so Commander Broce must have been relieved from duty.

     She wondered if Juliet and Ryder knew that Clarisse was still in the palace.

     Kusy watched the pair disappear up a staircase and decided that they wouldn't have to know.

    Kusy had never been to Clarisse's rooms, but she got blushing servant to tell her where they were.

     She didn't bother knocking, instead opening the door with one hand and stepping in.

     Clarisse whirled around. She'd been standing against the opposite wall with a pipe in hand. Her eyes widened as Kusy leaned against the doorway.

     "Feeling a bit stressed?"

     Clarisse didn't reply, instead narrowing her eyes to slits.

    "Juliet was very gracious when she relieved you from your position," Kusy continued. "I thought I would come to clear things up a bit. When she said get out of my seat, she really meant to get out of the city. Get out of Amidia, and do not show your face here again."

    Clarisse sneered. "Juliet's a crazy little bitch," she spat. "As soon as I can, I'm going to have her and that ballsy guard of hers back in those dungeons where they won't—"

     A golden knife thudded into the wall behind Clarisse's head, and the former queen regent froze.

     "Juliet stripped you of your title," Kusy said frankly. "Which means I can kill you and no one will really care that much. So I suggest you stop insulting my friends and start packing, or the next one will hurt a lot more."

     She didn't wait for Clarisse to reply, instead stalking forward to yank the knife from the wall. Without looking back, she shoved it back in her sheath and left.

     She spotted Krow walking down the hall ahead of her, so she hurried to catch up with him. He looked surprise when she slowed to walk next to him but didn't comment on it.

     "So, you're staying for eleven more months, right? I have a feeling we're going to need you here," he said after a while.

     She nodded. "Yes, I will not be going home for at least that long. If Juliet and Ryder still need me, I can stay longer."

     "That's good." He nodded, his eyes on the ground. When they reached an intersection of halls, he stopped, jerking his thumb down one. "I've got to go. See you, Kusy."

    She watched him walk away and felt a little bad. He'd done a lot for Juliet and Ryder, risked his life. She felt like he shouldn't leave with just a casual 'see you.'

     So she called out to him, the first thing that came to mind. "You, ah, are a good fighter too, Krow."

     His answering crooked smile made her regret she'd said anything. "I know."

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