Aaron Burr [Part 2]

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Aaron sat in the squad's living room, staring down at his tea and squirming uncomfortably. After his confession to Alexander, the man had insisted that he return with him to his apartment.

Foolishly, Aaron agreed and that led him here. Squirming awkwardly with four pairs of eyes staring at him intently.

"So." John said finally said, breaking the tension. "What's up? Haven't seen you for awhile."

Aaron flinched and looked down in shame. It hadn't been just awhile. It's been over a year since he had spoken last with anyone of them. Pink peonies began to bloom around him as he lowered his head in shame. His mouth felt dry, his tongue heavy. He felt ashamed, embarrassed to be caught in this situation, even though he knew this was his own fault.

"John," Alexander said, walking up and placing a hand on his boyfriend's shoulder when Aaron said nothing. "Give him a chance to explain everything."

John scowled and looked away, making Aaron want to sink deeper into the couch.

"Aaron," Hercules said. "We're all ears."

He bit his lip and fiddled with his sleeves.

"I..." His voice caught in his throat and he looked down at the ground. The four stared at him waiting. After a few minutes of silence, Alexander sighed and walked over to Aaron, taking a seat beside him.

"Aaron," He said softly. "They aren't mad, they just want to know why."

Aaron clenched his hands. "I was scared." He said quietly.

His reason was met with silence.

"Scared?" John practically spat. Aaron flinched.

"John." Hercules said sternly. "Let him explain."

John huffed and looked away, crossing his arms.

Aaron took a deep breath. The squad deserved to know his reasons, no matter how stupid or ridiculous it may seem to them.

"You all know about my uncle..." He started.

They all nodded.

He squeezed his eyes shut as painful memories began to surface.

"My town," He paused, searching for the rights words. "They were extremely religious. After my uncle discovered my powers he tried to hide it. He was a priest after all, nobody could know he had a devil's spawn for a nephew. But I was quite young when Sally left and my uncle discovered everything and well, I didn't have great control over my powers at that time. It didn't take long for everyone to know what I was. We were a relatively small town, word was passed quickly. After that, the only time someone was kind to me, they would just stab me in back."

Aaron sniffled, startled to realize that he was crying. "No one has ever been so kind before. I was so scared. I was so scared that it would be like all the others."

A small sob escaped his lips as memories of all his peers from school came back. Two aspen trees began to grow slowly on either side of him. He sobbed and Alexander wordlessly pulled him into hug, gently rubbing his back as he cried.

"Aaron, would you like to go back to your dorm?" Alexander asked quietly. Aaron sniffled, still clinging onto the other man.

"I don't know I just-"

"You can stay here Aaron." Lafayette said. Aaron's eyes widened in surprise and he looked at them.

"Yeah. We don't mind." Hercules said, standing and kneeling beside him. Aaron let out a sob when he began to gently message his hand. Guilt overtook him. They were treating him so kindly. He was so horrible to them, he didn't deserve this! Bach flower holly began to grow, cutting both him and Hercules.

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