Chapter 9- Loud Halls

Start from the beginning

"Mm? Well..... Probably a month. I've just been snacking for the most part, since I've been moving around so often." She replied easily, he only just managed to keep himself from scolding her.

"... Hmph. Since you're done with the Triad, maybe you can actually take some time off, for once in your life." He grumbled,

"Heh, that'd be nice wouldn't it?" Frea replied, her head tilting back slightly. She could feel the sun splash against her face as they left the cover of the trees, though she still didn't open her eyes to look.

".... Gotta rectify things with Twilight Ogre before I even think of leaving." She added in as an afterthought.

"That's not happening today." He said firmly, "We go to the Mayor, get you food and head to the Guild to find Porlyusica. No sidetracking to Twilight Ogre."

"You gonna stop me?" She asked lightly,

"If I have to I will." He replied lowly, she smirked, just a little.

".. Fine then, have it your way. Twilight Ogre can wait another day."


"... in essence... Well, she kinda saved the entire country." Macao murmured softly, his chin leaning in his hand as they settled into recounting (the short version) of what major event that had rocked the Guild on its heels.... And particularly it's last remaining Dragon Slayer when the Tenrou Team had disappeared. They had mentioned a few other bits, but it was clear they didn't want to get too far into it, so what they told was little more than an overview, and there were sure to be promptings to tell the stories soon enough.

"Probably more like the entire planet, in the grand scheme of things." Wakaba corrected, ".... If she'd lost, I doubt we'd all still be around."

"You're not serious?" Erza murmured,

"Oh we are." Macao and Wakaba said in unison, before frowning slightly at the one another as if they were about to argue over interrupting eachother.

"It was a big thing.... An insane and crazy thing that almost landed us all dead." Chase broke in. "It may not have been that bad if it hadn't happened so soon after everything with Black Chimera, Death Bolt and Phoenix Tear... And Chess." He broke off, his voice lowering as Macao, Wakaba, Reedus and Max all flinched at the name. "Teach wasn't in a good place before it happened... Neither was the rest of the Guild really. Teach had already been pretty hurt beforehand, and her emotions were on such a high... I'm still surprised she handled it all so well. Especially against someone so powerful."

".... I'm a little confused." Mira murmured. "... What do you mean? Who's Chess? And what did they have to do with... With Frea, and the Guild?"

"... Chess was a Member of the Guild." Chase murmured, his hand lift as he gestured toward a board set behind the bar, where papers and pictures were pinned up in a colorful array, and that hadn't been disturbed in a long time. There were pictures of them, the Tenrou Team, and even some of the Exceeds, and the sisters Aisha and Solana.

In particular he gestured toward one in the middle, their eyes immediately catching sight of a young woman with russet colored hair and icy blue eyes grinning at them, her arm hooked around the shoulders of a younger boy who looked like her.

"She joined along with her little brother, and she and Teach hit it off. They joined up as Partners, and worked together for months. Chess was a spectacular Mage... She could go head to head with Teach, and that's really not something most people can do." he smiled wistfully a moment, his eyes falling closed. "She was stubborn, and nearly as hotheaded as Teach can be... But they worked well together, and grew really close. Chess was about the only person who could get Teach to take a step back and worry about herself more than anyone else.... To be honest she was one of only two people who Teach'll actually listen to, and do as they ask."

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