Chapter 5- Bad Days

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"I had just as much reason as you to destroy the Flash Beast Triad. We've been working together harder than anyone in this country to do it, and on the last Mission to get rid of them for good, you run off and leave me on the sidelines?" He snapped, his voice rising from the calm levelness he had thus far been managing to maintain. She would have flinched at it... But it was better than neutrality. "Even for you, that is low, and selfish, and utterly stupid! How much Magic did it cost you to do it all alone? How much Energy?" Frea's eyes fell closed, a bead of sweat falling down her face as his voice suddenly became something like scolding.

" 'Moderate' my ass, you overdid it, and you didn't have to. I could have helped, so why in the bloody hell didn't you let me?!" His voice was stony, seething and so low it was slightly unnerving to hear. Frea simply kept her eyes closed, and she swallowed, simply content with the idea he was actually yelling at her now- even as calmly as he was managing, it was a break away from being neutral all the time. And maybe it served to show he wasn't as numb inside as she felt... That thought made what worry that never went away in her core lessen slightly.

The young boy lift a hand, his eyes glinting in muffled fury as Frea glanced upward toward him, blinking at the sudden movement- and suddenly expecting a move made against her. Her body tensed, awaiting the Magic and the ache it would leave, but he stopped himself, and slowly let his hand fall again.

"Quit being so damned secretive all the time you idiot!" He snapped, Frea simply looked at him.

"...... I don't keep secrets from you. I never have." She murmured softly, earning a hard stare in return. "I tell you everything, of everyone I have ever known... You are the only person I am ever truly honest with, I need you to know that. I trust you, more deeply than anyone else, and I wouldn't ever want to hurt you... Everything I have ever done is to keep you safe, happy."

"I'm not your kid." He growled, Frea nodded slightly.

"No, you're my little brother." She murmured without a moments hesitation, he stiffened slightly. "And I love you, I didn't do all of this on my own because I didn't think you could handle it... Hell, you could beat me if you really wanted to. You're strong, brilliant, and stronger than even I am, I don't doubt your ability, and I certainly have never doubted your resolve, not on anything." Frea said softly, her voice low and surprising gentle, and earnest. He blinked as Frea let out a small sigh, "I went by myself... Because I'm selfish, you're right. I had to prove to myself.... That I could do it on my own. That I could beat them, and I didn't have to lose anyone to do it." Her voice dropped very low, and the boy went rigid, his eyes widening as a sudden stricken look appeared on his face.


His eyes fell, his fists clenched at his sides as his jaw tightened.

"....... I trust you, and your power and your intelligence.... But I still couldn't force myself to risk it..." Frea hissed, he shut his eyes tight.

".... I couldn't risk losing you, I don't think I could keep on living if I did." She whispered, her voice tense and slightly wavering. ".... I was... Afraid..."

The boy's fingernails dug into his palms at that, that last word, a word that never came to mind when anyone thought about her, let alone when he did. It was something so many people thought she just couldn't feel, and usually that was right... Frea was never afraid, not really- but there was one time, one thing she was truly terrified about... And that one thing that shattered his heart too.

"Tch...." He hissed, his shoulders hunched slightly. "You.... You're such a pain...." He growled, his head snapping up as he frowned at her, and she simply looked back with glittering eyes. He swiped his hand out in front of him in frustration, not caring to be feeling it and not wanting to let go of his agitation for her so quickly. "Scared or not! Don't ever think you can ditch me like that again, got it?! I can take care of myself, idiot! I don't need you to babysit me!"

Frea blinked, looking a little lost for words, seeing the anger and frustration on his face... But it wasn't rage. It was more... Annoyance maybe, but she swore she felt a flicker of acceptance, though it was all so jumbled she couldn't be sure.

She smiled slightly, nodding a little. "Yeah.... I got it." She replied softly, he nodded once with an annoyed huff, but seemed to simmer down immediately as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked away, but he dropped the subject.

"...... How many?" He grumbled, Frea blinked.

"... Hmm...?" She hummed softly,

"How many of them were there?" He huffed, his icy blue eyes moving her way again as he waited for the answer. Frea blinked, before smiling slightly.

"Give or take three hundred." She replied, he blinked.

"That few? And you're already mucked up?" He asked, she sweatdropped. "You did overdo it.... What an idiot." He sighed, "I assume the pay was at least decent?" She paused for a minute, the comment catching her slightly off gaurd, before she took a minute to recall what little she had payed attention to about pay.

".... Enough to pay off Fairy Hills and the Guild for a few months at least." Frea replied, but to be honest, it was worth it even without the pay.

"... Fairy Hills.... Huh...?" He grumbled, Frea's expression turned fowl a moment, a sudden flare of anger rising in her eyes.

"I don't intend to pay those bastards anything," she hissed. "I've been away from the Magnolia for months now, so I haven't had chance to rectify the 'agreement' we had." Her fists clenched, as she crossed them over her chest and her eyes flashed. "I intend to ratify it with them personally once we get back."

The boy blinked, thinking for a moment if he should mention how bold Twilight Ogre had grown in its harassment in Frea's absence from Magnolia for... It had been about 3-4 months now. In all honesty, there were people in the Guild Twilight Ogre flinched at confronting, but only one person could keep them away altogether, and only one person they would ever listen to.

And that person had been gone for such a long time they had started to feel safe, and Twilight Ogre's harassment about the Guild's debt had grown.

If he were to mention it now it would just rile her up, and he didn't wish to deal with her anger now. 

"... Fine." he grumbled, turning his back to her. "Come on, better get moving." Frea's anger disappeared and she smiled a little, slowly following as he started moving up the hill again. "We'll camp out at the top, since I know you'll keep going without sleep for far longer than you should."

"... Heh... Maybe you are the older sibling." She smiled faintly,

"It certainly feels like you're the child." He growled, sweatdropping slightly. He cast a small glance over his shoulder to see her eyes had fallen closed as she followed him in silence, not seemingly paying attention to much of anything- but his eyes noticed the small, subtle weariness in her movement, and he could tell she was drained.

He looked ahead again, eyes narrowed.

He hated it.... But in her own way, she had been trying to protect him. And he appreciated it... Though she made stupid decisions for the sake of other people, and gave no regard for herself, as he well knew.

..... 300 Wizards and she's already having trouble focusing...? She's in more pain than she's admitting.... It's worse than usual.

He swallowed, his icy blue eye trailing toward the sky overhead as it was slowly stained orange.

An idiot.... A carelessly, foolishly kind idiot.

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