friend or fow

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Alexandra was always her own shadow. But without all the worry's of boys and friends she had more time to work in school. She was an A student. Top of the class. Until one science class she was paired up with Max. He was one of the varsity football players.
"Hey can I sit here?" Max asked

"Yah, sure!" Alex wasn't sure why he didn't sit with one of his buddy's.

"I heard you were really good at science" Max explained

"And I'm not the best so I was wondering if you could help me?"

"Like how?" Alex knew how but she asked anyways.

"Like you come over to my house and we study together?" he asked

"Umm, sure I guess that would be fine"  Alex replied

"Hey, Jackson" Hannah sang sweetly

"There's a party tonight want to come?" Hannah flirted

"Nah I'm fine tonight I have a lot of work to do" Max smiled at Alex

The bell rings...

"Okay, class enough chatting time to watch a slide on the theory of population change in west coast" Mr. Parker spoke

Max rolled his eyes.
While Alex sketched in her note book.

"Whats that?" Max questioned

"Nothing!" Alex flipped the page

"Your good, you should hangout with us at lunch?" Max asked

"I don't really go to lunch" Alex explained

"Well you can just sit with us this time!" Max explained


"No buts your coming even if I have to drag you" Max laughed

"Okay, fine"

The bell rings...

"Come on" Max shouted

He took her hand and they ran. His hand was soft. Alex wasn't used to this ,but she went along with it. Alex still didn't know wether they were friends or not. She wasn't the best in having friends part. She tired to space her self from everyone. she tried not to get hurt. Max and Alex were childhood friends ,but then Alex kinda spaced from him and he kinda took the space too. He got lots of friends and joined school teams. And Alex tried to focus on school as much as she could. but whatever she did to stay in the shadows people kept trying to be her friend so she ignored them. it was even harder because her brother was on a varsity team too. 

Max pulled Alex to the side.

"man, that was close you almost got squashed, ha" max laughed 

Alex stared at him.The hallway was full of screaming and shouting people. Alex was still holding his hand. 

She stared into his eyes. her pulse was fast. She shook her hand from his. 

"man you've changed since last time I saw you." Max awed 

"uh' yea I guess I have." Alex shurged 

"looks like you want to stay hidden, well not any more your coming to a party with me tonight" 

"what Max no i'm not" She denied  

"yes you are" Max smiled 

"and your going shopping" He laughed 

"with you" Alex Laughed 

"no you'll see" Max grabbed her hand 

they ran to the lunch room the tables were all full of people. Max brought her to a table with a red head boy brunette boy talking and two girls Hannah a blonde was talking to another girl a brunette with wild long curly hair. 

"hey guys" Max said to all the beautiful faces at the table. 

"is this her" the brunette asked 

"yes, Alex this is Jessie ,but we call her Jess" Max explained 

"I like your hair, Is it naturally this colour?" Jess touched Alex's hair 

"Yes I've always had it this colour"Alex was flattered 

"It's like fire" Hannah smiled 

"Soo, Jess and Hannah are going to take you shopping" Max laughed 

The three boys focused in on the conversation. 

"Hi, I'm Cole Jess's brother and Hannah's boyfriend" the Brunette said 

"And I'm Tarnce Jess's Boyfriend" the red head replied 

All focus was on Alex. Which was defiantly not by choice.

"So after school me and Hannah will meet you outside the school!" Jess Smiled 

"what about the boys?" Alex Asked 

"they will wait" Hannah laughed 

The rest of the day went by quickly. Alex hurried to the front door.

"Hey,Alex over here"Hannah called 

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