I quickly made my way towards my shoes, they were my converse that I worse since I was first brought here. I pulled them on adjusting the black legging that covered my legs that were a little big on me.

I stood up making my way towards a large mirror that hung on the wall taking in my appearance, not wearing makeup for this long had taking a good toll on my skin. I stared at my slightly redden cheeks from the warm air and freckles that only disappeared with the power of makeup.I sighed before tucking my hair behind my ears.

"Emily come on" Dylan's voice called from the hallway.

I quickly made my way out of the living room following his voice until I reached him at the end of the hallway standing beside the elevator that I wouldn't usually be aloud near.

I looked at his hand which he was holding out to me which was holding a grey piece of fabric.

"Put this on" He mumbled handing it over to me only for nee to see that it was a blindfold.

"Don't ask questions, I'll just put it on you until we get into the car dont want you to see anything you shouldn't" He sighed taking it from my hands and placing it over my eyes quickly tying a knot at the back before I could really object.


"Okay were five minutes away, We're meeting in a mall. Your grandma knows not to try anything so you don't either. You do realise how much I'm risking to bring you here so please don't blow this for both of us. Four would- well I don't want to know what he would do if he found out-" Dylan ranted on his eyes fixed on the road ahead of him.

"Calm down, Four would be the last person I would tell" I mumbled interrupting him.

"He's not a monster you know-well not all the time at least. If you think he's scary towards you, you wouldn't want to see him towards anyone else. He just doesn't want anything to happen to you which is why-" Dylan sighed.

"Which is why I can't be out of his sight for more than ten minutes" I sighed continuing his sentence.

I turned my gaze from him before roaming my eyes around the scenery. Around five minutes ago we were surrounded with trees and now we had entered a town like area, a few shops littered and I'm pretty sure I only seen one person.

"I understand that he can be a prick but I'm sure it's all for good reason. I mean I wouldn't know what he feels I haven't found my-" He stopped trailing of slightly as he realised he messed up.

"Found your what?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

His eyes left the ride for the first time in this twenty minute drive glancing over at me letting out a puff of air.

"Nothing forget it, we are here" He sighed as the car came to a quick stop causing me to jerk forward slightly.

"Do you have a licence?" I asked unbuckling my belt, throughout the journey he had took many sharp turns, quick stops and has swore more times than I can remember which leads me to think who would ever give this guy a licence.

"Mhhhm somewhat" He mumbled quietly sending me a small smirk before he quickly exited the car slamming the door shut behind me.

I sighed following suit quickly closing the door behind me. The cold air hit me slightly as I've been inside for so long. I pulled the hoodie that hung off my body tighter around me.

"It's just down the block" Dylan informed me stopping beside me for a moment as if to make sure I wasn't going anywhere before he took in a fast steady walk.

What exactly was a block?

I stared at the small building in front of me, it radiated boring and dullness as again a mere few people were walking in and out of it. They all looked like they were in a hurry and as soon as they set eyes on Dylan they looked away and walked the other way.

"What exactly is a mall?" I questioned.

"You're so British it's cute, It's a building with loads of shops. Well supposed to be this is like a much shittier version" Dylan explained a small smile gracing his lips.

In the past five minutes Dylan explained to me a few as what I described as 'American words'. A block was like a street or something I can't really remember. 'Pants' were in fact trousers not 'underwear' as he described it.

He pushed open the door open allowing me to entered first, since we have left the car I can tell he is on a much more higher alert. He looks at me every few seconds or so to make sure I'm here. He looks around also keeping his head down along with having his hood up.

To say 'don't judge a book by its cover' is exactly what I did and it stand accurate. The inside was almost as dull and drab as the outside. The small 'mall' only held barley more than five shops from what I could see so far and maybe one cafe. In the main hallway stood two people, two males.

Dylan took of down the hallway keeping his head down but up enough to make sure I was following him. I looked around staring at the empty shops. There was a shop which sold birthday cards and balloons. A shop which sold some sort of jewellery and the next shop I set my gaze on had black windows so I couldn't see inside however I doubt anyone was inside anyway it was called ammo.

I felt Dylan tug my arm slightly in the direction of the cafe before he came to a halt. I stared up at Dylan to find him faced with a man around mid twenties or so, I noticed him from the entryway a few minutes or so ago.

"If I'm not mistaken it's not Friday, the rules clearly-" The man began raising his eyebrows his arms folding over one another. He was a little smaller than Dylan and lacked the muscle that bulged out from under his hoodie.

"I'm aware of the rules, I'm here in request of the Alpha, if you want to answer to him by all means go ahead but trust me he's not in the best mood today, and if I'm right hasn't had lunch" Dylan spat in a hushed tone looking the man up and down.

What was he taking about? What rules? The Alpha? Wasn't that what people called Four? I got to ask someone what that meant.

The man stood back a few steps before turning around and stalking down from where he originally stood.

"The locals are pricks" Dylan sighed realising a grip he had now held on my arm for the past few moments shaking his head slightly as he began walking again only to stop outside the cafe.

I caught up to him quickly my eyes scanning the windows only to see a woman, in her late sixties gathered on a bench with papers sprawled out on the table in front of her. She looked nervous biting her nails as her eyes widely gazed around her.It Was my grandma.

The Alphas Human MateKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat