"Alive and fighting. Sofia really did save his life..." Niccolo explained as Ana looked at Dario.

"You have to plead her case to your father. Alfonso would be dead if it wasn't for her..."

Dario shook his head. "He won't listen. Cesare has his ear."

"Then wait for him to be alone and get him to listen. Refuse to leave until he does..." Ana ordered, grabbing Dario's arms in frustration, everyone taken aback by her anger. "I cannot lose her..."

Dario nodded, taking her hands and kissing them. "Neither can I..."

"Oberto!" Papal Guards stood at the entrance of the garrison, Ana stepping away from Dario as the men came to Dario. "His Holy Father wishes to see you in his apartments."

It was as if they had been heard, Dario, looking at Ana who gave him a single nod.

He had to fight for Sofia.


In the assembly room, Dario entered to find his father alone, pouring wine into chalices.

"Son..." He said simply, the doors closing behind Dario as scoured the room. "We need to talk."


Rodrigo looked at him. "I think you know..."

Dario sighed, shaking his head. "Father, no. I won't help you find her for her to be brought back here to face punishment for something that is not her fault."

"Dario," Rodrigo's voice was stern. "I want to talk...about her and you and...everything..." He handed Dario a chalice of wine. "I cannot deny that Alfonso is alive because of her. He lost too much blood and was at risk of infection but Sofia saved him..." Rodrigo looked out of the window to the bustle of Rome. "I know... no one would hurt someone only to save them and for what she is capable of, which I have seen with my own eyes, she wouldn't resort to stabbing someone if she wanted them dead. And then...why save him? I cannot let that go..."

"Father...she's not dangerous..." Dario spoke. "This isn't her...I promise you."

The Pope turned to his son. "Then who is she? What is she?"

"She is...extraordinary..." Dario smiled gently, recalling how remarkable Sofia was. "She has helped us in more ways than you will ever know. She is wonderful, generous, caring and kind and this...this isn't her..." Dario sighed. "I've never lied to you Father. Please...believe me."

Rodrigo sipped his wine, looking at his son. "I believe...she saved Alfonso. I believe she did not hurt him. But I want to know how..."


Rodrigo looked up at a painting hanging over the fireplace of a beautiful field. "She is not dangerous...but you told me she came here to kill us...to kill me."

"Because you destroyed her family..." Dario explained. "You committed genocide against her people and she watched helplessly as her family home was burnt, the screams of her mother and sister echoing in the wilderness. She was a child and all alone and someone...took advantage of her vulnerabilities and convinced her that destroying you was the only answer..." Dario explained as Rodrigo shook his head. "She did not know any better, so yes, she came here to Rome with that goal but over time...she changed her mind..."

Rodrigo looked at Dario, paining him at the realisation that his actions once upon a time had severe consequences for his family. "Because of you?"

Dario shook his head. "Because of Lucrezia and Gioffre..." He explained. "She changed her mind about all of it long before anything ever happened between us. She knew destroying you, which she was more than capable of, would mean bad things for Lucrezia and Gioffre who have done nothing and she couldn't do it, especially as they had only ever shown her kindness."

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