Chapter 9: What's In is Out Too

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September 27:


"It's going to be okay Nellie." Sterling says wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"This is a lot bigger than I want it to be." I tell him sitting down in the auditorium, on the stage. It's like my life has turned into a huge production for the world to see. "What happened to a teacher giving disciplinary action?"

"They still do that here." Sterling assures me. "Just not for something like this, this goes borderline bullying. That's the kind of thing that goes to Student Court."

"Doesn't that make a bully more likely to act out, because he or she gets attention?"

"No, it get's them suspended or expelled. Or sentenced to supervised community service."

"That's a bit extreme isn't it?"

"Depends." Sterling says with a shrug. "This system really works at this school though, so no one plans on changing it any time soon."

The principal walks into the auditorium and everyone stands up. "When I call your name you will take your seat among the jury." The vice principal says. "Sean Donahue please take your seat as the judge."

"At least we know it'll be fair." Sterling says. "Sean's nothing if not level headed and fair."

We all say the pledge. It's Friday afternoon, we're missing the second half of classes. Teachers have been instructed to dismiss us from assignments.


"Homecoming was not my idea. I never wanted to be a part of the court." A few gasps and murmurs erupt after my confession. "I was told as I was on my way to the game by a teacher, I didn't and still don't know, to go with her." I explain. "I thought I was in trouble. I didn't get an explanation. I got put on the back of a car and suddenly my brother and I are homecoming royalty. I never asked to be part of the HO-CO court. I didn't want it. I never asked to be SBP. But here I am with campaign posters, slogans, and flyers."

"Share a Vote with Lancaster!" Some of the audience calls.

"Order in the court!" Sean says banging his gavel on the desk once. "There will be no campaigning on the court's time. For yourselves or others. Anyone in violation will be escorted out." He looks to the principal to back him.

"And be given a weeks detention on top." He agrees backing Sean. The auditorium goes into a silence like I've never heard. "Continue Miss Lancaster." I look up and see Sam in the front row he gives me a smile to make me smile, and it kinda works, it makes me feel better at least. I continue giving my statement and then return to my seat next to Sterling, my representation.

He gives me a reassuring smile. You did great. He mouths to me as the rest of the "court case," goes on.


"We the Student Jury of Orson High School find the defendant guilty of all charges."

"And what should the sentence be?"

"Three weeks detention and benching from sports and extra curricular activities."

"Very well." The principal says. "Have a good afternoon, you're all dismissed." The principal turns to me, "When we find out who's behind all this we'll take care of it." I nod as he walks away.

Sam, Michael, and Will meet me at the bottom of the stage. I let Sam wrap me in a welcoming hug. "Please tell me I won't have to do that again?" I tell them. I feel Sam laughing.

"Can't do that Penny-Perfect." Will says, "But we can promise to be there for you through all of it." Will pulls me away from Sam and gives me a hug of his own.

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