Never Been in Love

Start from the beginning

 "(Y/N) here has a secret she'd like to share," she batted her unnaturally large and black eyelashes.

 Nico looked over at me, his interest slightly peeked. I just massaged my wrist where Drew had stabbed me with her literal knife nails. Where do you even have to go to get nails that sharp? The nail salon of demons?

 "Would you care to tell him,(Y/N), or should I?" More fake emotions. I just stared at the ground, praying to Aphrodite to call off her demon spawn. 

  No good.

 "Well, since (Y/N) doesn't have the guts, I'll have to be the one to share this tragic news." Drew stepped closer to Nico. If I had my knives I would have stabbed her and made a break for the nearest body of water. 

  "You see, Nico dearest, (Y/N) over there has this nasty crush on someone." She touched his shoulder, which he very obviously stepped away from, but he was still interested in what Drew had to say. He seemed almost more interested than before, just my luck.

 "Who's the unlucky guy you ask," Drew cleared her throat and stage-whispered, "You."

  Kill me and throw my body in Tartarus.

    Drew had her hands dramatically over her perfectly pink lips, Nico was completely still, and I was booking it back to my cabin. I heard Drew giggling behind me, thankfully not stabbing my arm with her witch nails to hold me back. 

    I had the door to the cabin open when I felt a cold touch on my arm. I froze. No one I knew had that could of hands on this warm of a day. 

  Nico was standing right behind me.

     "If you want to talk, can we at least go inside so I don't have to deal with Drew," I said without turning around, my head still down. I didn't turn to see his response either, I just walked in. Part of me hoped he would just leave and I'd never talk to him again. But the other, stronger part of me hoped he would follow and we could have a romantic revelation and he'd confess his undying love for me. Then we'd date for a few years until we were old enough to get married, he'd propose on the beach. We'd get married where he proposed. We'd have 4 kids, 2 girls, 2 boys. We'd watch them grow up, then get grandkids. And finally die together, then live for the rest of eternity in the Asylum together. That only happens in movies though. 

   He followed.

  The door shut quietly behind us. I kicked off my shoes, pulled my (H/L) (H/C) out of its ponytail, and sat quietly down on my bed. I felt the bed dip beside me as Nico silently sat beside me. He awkwardly cleared his throat and I could feel his eyes trying to see through the curtain of my hair. I don't know how long we sat there, me looking at the floor and Nico trying to see my face. 

  Then Nico got brave. He gently brushed my hair behind my ear. It felt like a fall breeze, how lightly he touch me; as if my skin was 100 degrees.

   "Is it true?" he whispered. 

   Damn, that was sexy.

  It took about 30 seconds for me to force my head to move; Yes.

    I felt him relax beside me. Confusion was the first of many emotions to jolt through my head. Then, he put his hand on top of mine. I looked down at my lap, where before I only had 2, now there were 3. I looked intensely at the pile of hands in my lap, many thoughts in my head. To name of a few: 'Please don't wake up', 'If I'm awake, how the Hades', and 'Why am I so scared by flesh?' While I was busy imploding I didn't notice my hair came un-tucked. With more confidence this time, Nico re-tucked it. If you didn't already know, with Nico, more confidence means more skin touching skin, which then means cold, and cold = shivers. And that's what I did; I shivered. Nico apparently thought that it meant that I didn't want him to touch me. (BOY WAS HE WRONG)

   He removed his hand from the collection pile in my lap, but before he got far I took his hand with both of mine and pulled it back. During this pulling action, I somehow pulled the rest of him closer to me and I felt his shoulder brush mine. We both stiffened. It was either because neither of us experience that much physical connection in one time or the sexual tension was real. I decided on the first one because that one made the most sense. With a burst of bravery, I looked up at him for the first time during this interaction. Thank the heavens I did. 

   "What are you think?" He whispered.

   "To be honest," I whispered back, "I was thinking about love."

  "What about it." He examined my face.

  "First, I think it's overused, and Second, I've never been in it." I stared into his beautiful eyes that couldn't really be explained. They were brown, but they were black. They were dark, but they were the brightest eyes I've ever seen. See what I mean? Nico focused mostly on my second thought about love. 

  "You've never loved anyone?" He asked, still quiet.

  "I've loved people, plenty of people, but it takes 2 people to be in love. To make a long story short, no one can love me." I looked down again.

  Nico put his hand under my chin and lifted my face toward his, "That's where you're wrong."

  Gently, he fitted his mouth to mine, and for the first time in a long time, I could forget everyone and everything that had ever hurt me. It was too short, so when he pulled away I said exactly what I thought, "Can you do that again?"

  For the first time since I first met Nico, he smiled and he laughed. It was a quiet laugh, like it was something he didn't want people to hear. 

 "Yes, I believe I can do that again." He voice sounded even prettier when he smiled. So, per my request, he put his lips on mine again. This time pulling the rest of me closer to him. The kiss was passionate, not wild, but gentle. It was just our first, my first kiss to be completely honest. By the time we pulled apart, I was on his lap. Nothing about the kiss seemed sexual, it was an innocent kiss if there ever was one. 

   I never wanted the feelings I had then to leave me. If everyone felt that way all the time I think world peace would have happened centuries ago. I laid my head in the crook of his neck, almost like a baby. "Never leave me?" I whispered into his neck, almost just for my self. His response was completely serious.

  "I will try my hardest to never leave you. If I had more power over the world I would promise you, but because I don't want to lie and say I'll never leave, then leave next month for some dumb quest I'll say this. I'd fight all the monsters in Tartarus, so I'll do the next best thing. Where's Drew?"

 I laughed for the first time in weeks. I took his face in my hands and kissed his nose, "Nico Di Angelo, I love you." 

  Nico mimicked me and looked into my (E/C) eyes, " (Y/N)(L/N), I love you."

  "Now where's Drew?" 

  I rolled off his lap and laughed. "I don't know, but if you need me, I'll be here."

  Nico smiled my new favorite smile, "First, I'll always need you, Second, see you a few." I smiled to myself I as I waited, I was in love for the first time in my whole life.

 Yo, thanks for reading. I know the Drew confrontation part sucks, but I just wanted to get to the fluff, ya know? Please leave any comments or suggestions, some helps are better than 0 helps. If you hate this, LEAVE IT IN THE COMMENTS BELOW!!!!!!!!!! SOME COMMENTS ARE BETTER THAN NO COMMENTS!!!! JK, but ya know, whatever floats your boat. I'm doing this mostly for myself, but if I benefit other people while doing this, then gr8!


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