Howlin' For You - 1: 'Armless Fun (Avengers x Reader) (Halloween Special)

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"Avengers! Good you're assembled

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"Avengers! Good you're assembled."

Everyone groaned as Tony practically skipped into the room. Dressed in a Victorian suit and tails, top hat and a cane - he looked very Sherlock Holmes. None of your fellow Avengers appeared all that impressed, having been pulled out of training for Tony's 'announcement'. You seemed to be the only excited one in the room, loving this time of year and the opportunity to go to a Tony Stark halloween party. Most likely it was the fact you were pretty new and hadn't had the experience yet. Recruited a few months ago you have the ability to rebuild objects and buildings from a previous photograph, which came in handy after all the devastation in Sokovia.

With a dramatic bow Tony twirled the top hat and rolled it down his arm, flicking the hat up in to the air and catching it in his hand, giving you all a smug smile.

"In this hat are pieces of paper with two names on, one you have to prank every day until my spook-tacular party, the other you have to come dressed as," Steve mumbled his disapproval under his breath, "no objections grandpa. Well, who wants to go first?" Tony shook the hat, looking at the group expectantly. No one moved.

"How about you sweet cheeks?" Tony's pleading gaze landed on you and you squirmed in your seat, all eyes on you. You didn't really have a choice now. Thanks Tony.

"Sweet cheeks?" You scowled at him while rummaging through the bits of paper. Unfolding one you grinned. Quicksilver & Black Widow. This could be cool, or you could be mincemeat. You looked up about to ask if you could pick again when Tony smiled, lifting a finger to your mouth.

"Ah don't tell us, you'll ruin the surprise."

He moved past you to Wanda, she did not look impressed. She sighed loudly when she read her bit of paper, muttering to Pietro in Sokovian. Reluctantly the Avengers all took their pick, some looking happier than others. You caught Pietro giving you a knowing smile and your stomach churned, you'd be in for it he decided to prank you. Bruce was the last to pick, his face not really giving anything away.

"Thanks kids, must dash, things to do and all that." Tony left as dramatically as he came in. Pepper walked behind him embarrassed and mouthing sorry to you all. As soon as they were out of sight everyone looked at each other.

"Who did you get then?"


It was lame. You knew you were playing it safe with Natasha's prank, but you didn't want to get shot and there was no way in hell you would prank Pietro, that man would make payback last forever. So you got up early and sneaked into the kitchen, putting the fake spider in Natasha's box of cereal.

You tried to stay casual when she walked in, sleepy and still in her pyjamas.

"You're up early." Natasha observed you through bleary eyes, too tired to really care. You concentrated on your coffee as she poured her cereal and the spider plopped into the bowl. She didn't notice at first pouring in her milk and picking up the bowl, about to eat a spoonful of plastic spider.

The master assassin let out a quiet squeal, dropping the bowl on the counter. Milk and cereal spilled everywhere while she beat the fake spider with her spoon.

"BARTON!" Natasha screamed and you made a swift exit, trying not to giggle as you ran to the gym.

"Hey Bucky." You smiled when you spotted him. You enjoyed training with Bucky he was one of the first people you opened up to. He had been assigned to you as part of his rehabilitation and was funny and smart, never pushing you too far. When he didn't answer you glanced over to see his worried expression.

"Are you ok?" You asked him. He looked up like he'd only just realized you were there, fiddling with the mechanism on his arm.

"Yeah, I'm just, my arm doesn't feel right."

"I'll go easy on you for a change." You joked and he smiled.

"Ok then. Let's see if you can take me down, just like we practiced." You hated that move, you had to twist his arm around and flip him over. He must have noticed your worried expression.

"Don't worry you can't hurt me."

You started sparring, attempting to get a proper hold so you could twist him around. Eventually he grabbed hold of you and you took the opportunity, pulling on his metal arm and swinging him around onto the floor so you were almost straddling him. You grinned triumphantly then noticed his look of horror. He started screaming in pain, writhing around on the floor clutching his shoulder. Blood was spurting out making a pool on the floor.

"Oh my god, Bucky! Your arm!" Realizing it was in your hands you screamed and threw it to the ground.

"What have you done?!" In a panic you tried to wrap the wound as he kept on screaming, a horrible sound that terrified you.

"Help me, put it back on!"

"I'm so sorry! How did I even do that?! Jarvis we need a medic, training room 6 please hurry!"

The gym doors burst open and Clint and Sam ran in. Confused you went to ask where the medic was when a bright flash blinded you. They took a picture?! As your sight returned you noticed the screaming had stopped. You turned around to see Bucky sat with a wide grin on his face, metal arm resting in his lap.

"Sorry y/n. It's getting upgraded today, I couldn't resist."

"You bastard James Buchanan Barnes, I thought you were dying!"

Bucky just shrugged joining in with Clint and Sam's laughter.

"You're in trouble now, she said your full name!" Clint piped up in between laughs.

"Man, this is so going on the big screen!" Sam chuckled and held up his phone for you to see. it was a picture of you covered in fake blood looking horrified, with Bucky waving his arm at the camera and grinning behind you. Oh god.

You huffed and stomped away not letting them see the smile begin to form on your face.

"Good one you bloody idiots."


An: Part two next week :) x

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