Hatred and Offers

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            Clara's POV

Oh I just want to go up to Synthia and punch her!

  Don't think it's because she kissed Omar.

I hate him so I don't care, I just don't want her under my new roof.

She caused me to be this person that hates everyone. That judges people by the way they look.

I used to be such a sweet and bright person.

Until her and Omar came into my life.

Sometimes I wish I could go back and not accept Omar's offer.

                            *flashback;  offer day *

"Hi my name is Omar I'm new here"he said.

" Oh hi welcome to Jefferson High! " I said happily.

" Thanks but I was wondering if you could show me Ms. Colmans class," he said shyly.

" Sure I'm headed of over there now," I said excited.

                             man was he cute

" At least I'll know someone there," he said smiling.

During lunch period he asked me to go to McDonald's with him.

Silly me, I didn't know accepting this offer would lead me to a heartbreak, a huge heart brake.

             *end of flashback *

       .             Omar's POV

Damn it I seriously messed up!

"What's wrong?"  Synthia asked.

" Leave right now just leave, " I said.

" Okay bye babe, ".she said with a wink.

When I saw her leave I just wanted to puch someone.

Ive messed up again, how could I let Synthia ruin my chance with her again, not that i had a chance.

Now she is in the kitchen cooking  for herself.

I am goin in there to talk to her no matter what . 

'Hey, Clara can we talk?' I asked. 

'No just leave me alone you know how much I hate her and you brought her here when i was just upstairs, couldnt you just have slept with her another time!' she screamed.

'You do not even know what happened you just came in and assumed things, you always assume things and never ask anyone what realy happened, if you did not want this ten you should have never stayed with me!' I yelled angrily.

'I wanna go home , i wanna tell my mom to move and never look back, tell her that i never LOVED you , i wanna go home now!' the second she said those last words my heart shattered.

She never loved me and never will.

Anger is the only thing that went through me.

 I did something I did not want to do.

I slapped her.

------------------------------------------------Claras POV--------------------------------------

' I will never forgive you you bastard!!!!!!!!!!!!' I shrieked.

I ran to my room and locked myself up.

I had to make a call that would change my life around.

My best guy friend.


*Ring Ring*

'Jason can you pick me up from my new roomates house?'

'Your mothers house is your destiny" he joked

'Thanks your the only one I can trust' I whispered.

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