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"Look as much as I hate this we have to live through this," I said.

"I missed you to," he mumbled.

"Well I didn't," I said.

"I just came to see who my roommate was gonna, so now I'm gonna go to my best friends house," I said.

"I'll give you a ride, if you want," he said while scratching the back of his neck.

" I rather take the taxi, bye," I said making my way outside.

I know I was harsh but he deserved it.










After the fantastic reunion with Omar (note the sarcasm)  I went to my friends house.

Her name is Stacy, her hair is light brown, it falls to her waist in it's wavy form.

When I got to her house,  she ran towards me leaving the door open wide, while I was looking at her house she had tackled me to the ground. "Oh my God girl I missed you so much!!!!!," she squealed.

Did I forget to mention I hadn't seen her for the last three years?

Well than yeah that's why she was practically squeezing me to death on the floor.

"I missed you to, but can we go inside?" I said

"Oh no I know that face, something happened or you just found out something horrible." she said.

"I found out something," I said.

She knows me so well.  

"Ok let's get you inside, and you have to tell me everything, we have a lot to catch up with!" she exclaimed excitedly.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*

After filling Stacy in with the news she told me how I had to stop living in the past and stuff like that.

       Gee what great advice.

A/N So it's not that long and good but it's something right? I will probably update during the weekend though.

  Question of the day:

Should they have a dog??? If so what should it be called??

kik user name:  Silverstream12

please vote and comment do your thing!  Till next update!

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