Defence Against The Dark Arts

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I noticed that my next class was DADA.

A big grin was creeping onto my face, Professor Lupin's class. I curiously asked myself if Lupin could be the first good DADA Professor we had in a long time, don't get me wrong, Quirrel was a chill guy, but you know, Voldemort kind of possessed him and well, Lockhart? He was a famous selfish bastard, who couldn't get enough of himself. So I was really looking forward to seeing Lupin in action.

I was one of the first students to enter the bright classroom, it looked much darker and more oppressive the years before. The sky had cleared up by then and the sun was shining brightly through the great windows. Dust was floating like little elves through the room, everything appeared dreamy and mysterious. But not just the lightning and the atmosphere differed the room from what it was years before; every teacher could decorate their classroom and their chambers the way they'd like to. Lockhart, for example, used to hang dozens of portraits of himself on the high walls. He posed in some of them like some sort of hero, in others he wore nothing but a short loincloth, flirting with everyone, who dared to come near those pictures.
Professor Lupin was nothing like him. Many shelves were leaned against the walls where Lockhart's visage had been resting a year ago. They were filled with empty aquariums and old looking books, an old muggle gramophone was standing in the corner - tons of muggle vinyls were lying next to it. And there was another reason why the room was so bright this year, it was filled with dozens of candles shaped like spines, a lovely warm smell was spread by them. I couldn't figure out what they smelled like but it reminded me of him.
Lupin really made himself comfortable here. As my mind crossed the thought of him dancing alone in the candlelight, singing along to muggle songs, a tall figure wearing a shabby robe entered the room. The atmosphere changed completely. His presence made the room even more brighter and love-able.

"Excuse me for my lateness, hello class.", Lupin said in his husky voice.
He looked around, examining every students' face till he saw mine, his gazed stayed on me for a few seconds, then he began to smile.

„Good to know that we're complete. My name's Professor Lupin, as you may know, and I'm your new Defence against the dark arts teacher."

He waited a moment to see if someone already had a question.

„I want to begin this school year with something tricky even difficult. But I doubt that many of you are going to have a problem with completing this task, so don't look so stressed out already!
Professor Dumbledore already told you that Dementors will be guarding the school till the escaped prisoner is found. He also told me to practice the so called Patronus-charm with my older classes.
Does anybody already know what a Patronus is?"

A lanky Ravenclaw girl had already thrown her arm in the air.

„A Patronus is a very powerful magical being which reflects the soul of its creator. It's strengthened by his or her happiest memory and it's also protecting the wizard or the witch with those memories.", the girl said confidently.

"Bravo! 5 points to Ravenclaw!", Lupin clapped.

I sighed plainly audible, I've known the answer too. But Lupin continued without taking notice of me:

"Nonetheless I want all of you to practice the spell. Think about your happiest memory and then speak with me: 'Expecto Patronum!"

I was glad that in this moment my voice was overwhelmed by the voices of my class mates, I didn't want Lupin to hear me
The Professor repeated the spell a couple of times till we should practice it on our own. I turned towards Cedric who looked nearly as clueless as I.

"What memory are you aiming for?", he asked.

I shrugged. Honestly I had no idea what my happiest memory could be. Called out in the dark I tried thinking about random memories like getting my first toad, seeing Diagon Alley for the first time or my friendship with the Weasley boys. I couldn't help but think that those memories weren't great and bright enough to form a Patronus.
My gaze wandered around the classroom, many of the Ravenclaws were already surrounded by silver glowing creatures, even some Hufflepuffs managed to produce their magical companion.
It looked beautiful - the seats were filled with all kinds of gleaming animals that were flying around the room, playing with one another. Regardless of the fact that it was normal in Hogwarts to transform rats into cups or the other way round and that I've grown up with magic, this scenery was still the most magical thing I've seen in my entire life. The whole room was glowing with silver and blue beams.

"It's wonderful, isn't it, Miss Farewell?"

A soft voice brought me back to reality. I turned around only to stare into a pair of warm butterscotch colored eyes that observed me curiously.
His eyes.
The Professor kneeled in front of my desk, being the same height as I. Only then I've realized how close he really was, the tip of his nose was only inches apart from mine and I could feel heat rising into my cheeks.

"To be honest, it's probably one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen."

Lupin nodded with a small smile.

„Then why" , he asked, „ did you stop conjuring one on your own?"

His voice was as calm as before even if he seemed a bit mispleased.

"Don't get me wrong, sir. I probably have many nice memories, but I just can't find the right one. I tried thinking about my friends or my first day at Hogwarts, but nothing happened. Not even a glimpse came out of my wand!", I explained to him.

Lupin seemed to understand, but the fact that he also seemed to be worried and that nearly everyone had already conjured a weak Patronus made me feel uneasy. Without saying a word the professor stepped away from me and addressed the topic to the whole class.

"Many of you already had a significant result today! Great! But I also know that some of you still have some issues concerning this spell, but don't worry! Everyone is going to master it sooner or later."

He looked towards my direction with a small smile on his face.

"Have a good day, I'll see you at dinner."

Everyone packed their things and stormed out of the classroom into the crowded hallways. I hesitated when I saw that Cedric went along without waiting for me. Lupin apparently noticed that too, because soon after Cedric was out of sight, he approached me again. A lovely smile still covered the unscathed part of his face.

"Don't be afraid, Miss Farewell. As a teacher it's my duty to be worried about my student's issue, not yours. Right?"

"Thank you, sir.", I answered and before I realized what I was doing, I already responded his smile beaming with joy. His beautiful smile nearly hid all those long scars on his soft looking face.
I left the classroom, following the crowd of tired students, risking a last look towards my professor.

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