Meeting Professor Lupin

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Right after the feast I went straight towards our common room. I walked fast, ignoring everyone who passed me, I was tired and exhausted. I nearly felt bad for avoiding my friends, but it was just our first evening, they might be busy too. I hoped so.


A loud bang flew through the hallway. My books fell on the ground as I crashed into another person. Considering that I already was in a bad mood, I wanted to snap at the person who just collided with me, but I hesitated when I realized who was standing in front of me.

"Oh Professor! I am so sorry, I didn't see you coming! Are you okay?", I said fast and nervously.

I didn't know if he was a chill teacher or if he snaped at me like I would've. But Lupin just giggled.

Now that I could take a closer look at the man's face, I noticed how damaged he looked. Two scars ran across his face. Even though they were very big, his face didn't look distorted,.. it looked rather interesting. It had gentle curves and his warm butterscotch brown eyes graced his visage perfectly. I had to admit, no teacher in Hogwarts looked as nice as he does.

"Don't worry. I'm fine, Miss -", Lupin hesitated.

"Miss Farewell.", I added.

He flinched as I said my name, but I chose to ignore it.

"Miss Farewell..", he repeated.

I liked how he pronounced my name.

"You look rather tired, I think you should go to your dorm. Classes will beginn tomorrow, you'll need that energy. Have a good night and sleep tight."

Professor Lupin still smiled. It was a honest smile, he really meant what he'd said.

The man searched for something in his raddled jacket, then he reached his hand out for me and gave me the object he'd just searched for.

A tiny chocolate bar.

"Oh and don't forget your books, won't you?",he laughed while slowly turning around so he could walk away.

I thanked him. The Professor driftet along the hallway and while I watched him getting away from me, I noticed something about him. He was moving like he's in pain. I wondered what happened to him. In the end I came to the conclusion that he probably just stubbed his toe or something like that. After all Dumbledore would never hire someone who's seriously ill.

Just now I remembered that my books were still laying in chaos on the ground, I quickly picked them up and rushed towards the dormitories. A few Hufflepuffs were still in the common room talking about their summer, they seemed to be happy. Part of me wanted to listen to them for a while, but the other part of me was tired as hell and wanted to sleep for a long time. In the end the tired part won and I've gone to bed. It was still as comfy as last year and I was happy to be back at my real home, Hogwarts. The last thing I remembered before I drifted away into a deep sleep was that I thought about Lupin. I wondered what he was like in class and why he had those big scars in his face. Maybe I would be getting the answers soon.

It was early in the morning when I got up, weak rays of sunshine were dancing through the room. Ironically to say, it looked kind of magical. I stretched my body and looked out of the window, I could see the edge of the forbidden forest and Hagrid's hut. Smoke was coming out of the chimney. Even though it obviously rained the whole night and the sky was grey, small little sun beams made their way through the thick clouds. The grounds were muddy and kind of glowed because of the wetness. I loved mornings like this. A look in the mirror showed me that I really didn't sleep enough, my short reddish locks were lying wildly on my shoulders and I had great dark bags under my green eyes, I looked kinda horrible, but it seemed legit for the first day of school.
The great hall was already filled with tired students. I sighed and instead of going to my own house table, I decided to go towards the Gryffindor table, sitting next to Fred and George. Both looked as exhausted and moody as I.

"Hey there, sleepyhead!", both called at the top of their lungs.
I gave them both a grounding glance and put some oatmeal in my bowl.

"Anything new?" , I curiously asked Fred, who starred longingly at a page of The Daily Prophet. He didn't seem to notice me, so George answered instead.

"Well, Rita Skeetar complains about Dumbledore being head master, but that's nothing strange..No for real, there are great news! The next Quidditch championship is going to take place in England! Can you believe it? Maybe Dad will buy us all tickets!" I've never seen George so happy, his wide smile covered half of his freckled face. Fred imitated him.

"Ahh.. That's good news!" , I mumbled.

I wasn't really a big Quidditch fan, I wasn't the best broom rider and I also knew how dangerous Quidditch could be. But still, I was very happy for Fred and George. They continued talking about the championship and how much the tickets would probably cost. I didn't listen to them and my mind slowly driftet away to Lupin, so I gazed at the teacher's table and saw him talking to Professor Sprout. He also looked tired and dull. A few moments later he suddenly looked at me, responding my gaze, Lupin smiled kindly like he did, when I first bumped into him. I returned the smile and awkwardly looked away. I didn't want him to think that I gaze at him or something like that. I quickly finished my plate and walked towards my first class. Many students did the same and the hall got emptier and emptier. I looked at my schedule. Divination. I sighed heavily, I hated Professor Trelawney.
After she predicted the cruel deaths of like half of her students, she decided that it would be best to end the class some minutes earlier. She wanted them to have a good time while they're still  being alive. By Merlin's beard, Trelawney was pathetic.

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